Sunday, March 25, 2012


So many things are changing around me, it seems. My children are getting older by the minute. I am getting older by the second...NOT fun. I sobbed my eyes out on my 35th birthday last month because I realized, not only am I getting older, my parents are aging too. I'm one of the lucky ones who will see their parents again in Heaven, but still...I can't even think about the day they're not here for me on earth.

Enough of that!

Spring has sprung, a very welcome change. And I had to change to a new, different brand computer to keep up with all things photography. It's been a challenge to get everything switched over and I'm still not done. Just as I sit down, a cappuccino & some background noise via the tv at the ready, I realize the program I need is on the other laptop. That finicky, "maybe I"ll start, maybe I won't" laptop. For some reason that really stresses me out right now!

So, I'm trying to adapt better to the changes I don't love. I really don't like that I'm looking a lot older in the mirror than I feel in my body. And I REALLY don't love that I feel older in my body that my mind thinks I should. Vacation really brought that home, in some ways, when I realized my body loved and NEEDED my own bed. I no longer adapt well to other mattresses or sleeping arrangements. Coincidentally, I no longer want to give camping a try.

Plus, all those teeny boppers and college aged girls in their bikinis...well, that didn't help, lol.

So, I'm dealing with all those pesky changes.

Last Sunday we decided to spend the afternoon doing something outdoors with the kids. This is a peek into our nature filled family outing:

Thursday, March 8, 2012


In December I did my first maternity shoot. I admit, everything I had planned to do went right out the window once I arrived. My nerves got the best of me and I couldn't remember a thing I wanted to do! I learned a valuable lesson in planning ahead and writing things down. Which has nothing to do with the fact I turned 35 six weeks later ☺.

But the mommy to be was super sweet and allowed me to keep shooting until I found my groove. She had the really cool idea of shooting in the lobby of a hotel in downtown Chattanooga and I was curious and excited about trying something so out of the box for me. Here are some of my favorite shots from that day:

The back lighting made this almost useless but I loved the silhouette