Yes, it's been 19 days since I wrote a blog. I do this mainly for me and I got to where I did not want to write down one more time just how frustrated I was about not having a house.
But today I have good news :D
We have an appointment tomorrow, at 4pm, to close on our home.
I'm doing cartwheels on the inside!!!!
At this point, after hearing we'd close on a certain day and then having that yanked away from us, twice, I'm cautiously optimistic. I'll update as soon as I can. That may be a while, as I plan on immediately leaving the title company, driving straight to storage, packing up our first load, and moving it into my new home.
Okay, I'm prolly a little beyond cautiously optimistic now. Oh, well!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Life & Death
"Like apples of gold on pictures of silver."
I drove over Graveyard Hill (a nickname) the other day and found it covered in fog, with beautiful fall leaves all over the place. I had Ben with me so we pulled in and I started snapping pictures like a fiend. I turned my back for 5 seconds and guess what my little boy was doing: marking his territory. Yep, desecrating a grave stone. Boys and dogs @@.
Anyway, I can't decide which one I like best. You decide!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
A girl moment...
Okay, I'm going to do a total girl thing and ask:
To bangs or not to bangs? I like the shorter cut, mostly. It has grown on me and is SO easy to take care of now. But I think I need some longish bangs. And maybe at a gradual slant on the sides. Need to hide that lake of a forehead (thanks, Dad!)
Whatcha think?
Also, straight vs. curly?
To bangs or not to bangs? I like the shorter cut, mostly. It has grown on me and is SO easy to take care of now. But I think I need some longish bangs. And maybe at a gradual slant on the sides. Need to hide that lake of a forehead (thanks, Dad!)
Whatcha think?
Also, straight vs. curly?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
For Friend Sissy...
And all others who are waiting on pins & needles with me: still no phone call!
As for my appointment with Brian last Thursday, it went really well, considering we had to switch to a FHA loan at the end of the process, which he said was basically like starting over and added another week or more till we close.
He was very helpful, though, and explained every single thing in great detail, including how I can set up my own ammorization (sp?) schedule in Excel. And told me I could call him later if I forget how. He was SO nice and smart and articulate...something I forgot existed after dealing with Bobby the Baffoon for 3 weeks. Obviously still working on that patience thing.
But, we got everything switched, most of the work had already been done for the VA loan, which had stricter requirements, which means it should have been a breeze to do a FHA. It's not been a breeze, in my opinion. Apparently Brian's processor is still calling my realtor and asking basic questions that should have been covered by now, so I'm assuming we won't be closing this week.
But, that's okay. Chad has a day off next Wednesday, so that would be the ideal day to close, so he doesn't lose a point for missing work. They like to throw big guilt parties for missing work...even if you are sick as a dog or buying a house.
So, I'm still here. Waiting. Praying. Hoping.
When we get really stressed or bummed, we take a little drive out to the property and stand on the deck and plan the back yard. I regret the day I locked the laundry room I can't go in and plan my furniture and bubble baths! But I was afraid I'd walk in to find some bum in my tub and have to hurt some homeless person. This way, I avoid jail time.
And that's my update. As soon as I find something out, I'll be sure to post asap!
As for my appointment with Brian last Thursday, it went really well, considering we had to switch to a FHA loan at the end of the process, which he said was basically like starting over and added another week or more till we close.
He was very helpful, though, and explained every single thing in great detail, including how I can set up my own ammorization (sp?) schedule in Excel. And told me I could call him later if I forget how. He was SO nice and smart and articulate...something I forgot existed after dealing with Bobby the Baffoon for 3 weeks. Obviously still working on that patience thing.
But, we got everything switched, most of the work had already been done for the VA loan, which had stricter requirements, which means it should have been a breeze to do a FHA. It's not been a breeze, in my opinion. Apparently Brian's processor is still calling my realtor and asking basic questions that should have been covered by now, so I'm assuming we won't be closing this week.
But, that's okay. Chad has a day off next Wednesday, so that would be the ideal day to close, so he doesn't lose a point for missing work. They like to throw big guilt parties for missing work...even if you are sick as a dog or buying a house.
So, I'm still here. Waiting. Praying. Hoping.
When we get really stressed or bummed, we take a little drive out to the property and stand on the deck and plan the back yard. I regret the day I locked the laundry room I can't go in and plan my furniture and bubble baths! But I was afraid I'd walk in to find some bum in my tub and have to hurt some homeless person. This way, I avoid jail time.
And that's my update. As soon as I find something out, I'll be sure to post asap!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Update Smupdate
I've learned a valuable lesson today. If you choose a business based on the person you speak with on the phone, only to get to the business and be handed over to someone should worry.
If the person you are passed over to seems to be slightly incompetent and sloooooooow...worry!
If, every time you call that person and they bumble around and start 4 different sentences before finally finishing one...RUN!
So, obviously, I do not bear good news. I chose a mortgage company based on speaking with the owner on the phone several times and really liking him. He was older, in his 70's, and he didn't try to sugar coat anything, didn't try to do whatever it took to get my business. He was honest, told me the house I was looking into buying was NOT a good deal and I should hold off and keep looking. I respected that, took his advice, along with others, and moved on.
When it came time to purchase this house, I gave this man a call and set up an appointment to buy the house through them. But, upon arriving, we were handed off to his son, Bobby, who is in his 50's, and things went downhill from there. It seriously seemed like this may have been his 3rd mortgage ever.
But, we stayed. I think I regret that. I should have said, You know what, we need to talk this over some more...we'll get back to you. Then, drove off.
I guess I'm being melodramtic. I should mention that nothing severe is going on. We are still in contract. I'm just mad.
He told us we'd have no problem closing by the 30th. Then, last week I called him to see where we were at in the process. That's when he told me the investor had almost finished our paperwork then realized it was for a manufactured home, which they no longer loan on, and cancelled the deal.
Shouldn't he have checked that before sending all of our paperwork to him? For those of you not following the market right now, a lot of things changed recently, like in the past 2-3 months, regarding loans. Most importantly, most investors quit loaning on manufactured homes at all. Period.
The first question I asked every bank and mortgage company was, Do you loan on manufactured homes? 9 times out of 10, I was told NO. So, why didn't our mortgage facilitator know to do this?
I should clarify. Bobby & his mortgage company no longer loan money on homes, they just work with other mortgage investors who do. So, basically, all he does is shop around and find me the best loan. Which is what I was doing before I met him. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me now.
Anyway, they switched to another investor last Tuesday and I was told it would take him about 3-4 days, tops. I found out Friday, he didn't even get our paperwork till Thursday. Monday, I called Bobby again (you know they LOVE me there now, right?) and he hem hawed around again and said he'd check on it for me and call me right back.
Still waiting on that phone call, 2 days later.
I did get a call yesterday from the new guy, Brian. Seems they are concerned about our debt to income ratio. We are doing a VA loan and they have strict guidelines. On paper, it looks like we won't have enough money to make our monthly payment, because they can't take into account that we'll be using the Home Buyer Tax Credit to pay our van loan off completely, erasing the $250 monthly payment.
So, as it stands today, I have an appointment with Brian tomorrow to discuss our options. We can switch to a FHA loan, which has less strenuous guidelines. He also suggested we pay off our van loan before closing. Yeah, right, buddy. And maybe I'll win the lottery (without actually playing) too.
I'm mad and extremely frustrated. Shouldn't Bobby, our mortgage guy, have recognized all of this when he ran our credit that first day? Shouldn't this have been brought up before NOW, a few days from closing?
My real estate agent, Demetra, said yes, he should have been the one to bring this up, weeks ago.
I just prayed two days ago that, if this house is the one God has for us, let the process go quick. If we're going to end up there anyway, why not sooner rather than later?
The only answer I can come up with is this: God is more interested in developing my character than making sure I get what I want, when I want. And by character (Mom!), I mean HIS character. I do believe we are on this earth for a purpose that has nothing to do with material things. Off of the top of my head, we were made to worship Him. To glorify Him. To be His chosen people, His sons & daughters. And to show His character, His nature, to the world. So...He's allowing things to push my buttons and show me the areas I need to work on. Obviously, patience is a biggie ;)
So, please pray for me. I'm failing this test miserably, cause I really want to call up old Bobby and call him an drooling idiot for wasting so much time for us. But, I haven't yet, so maybe there's hope for me yet ;)
I feel better already, just getting all this frustration out. I'll try to come up with something fun & uplifting to post next time!
If the person you are passed over to seems to be slightly incompetent and sloooooooow...worry!
If, every time you call that person and they bumble around and start 4 different sentences before finally finishing one...RUN!
So, obviously, I do not bear good news. I chose a mortgage company based on speaking with the owner on the phone several times and really liking him. He was older, in his 70's, and he didn't try to sugar coat anything, didn't try to do whatever it took to get my business. He was honest, told me the house I was looking into buying was NOT a good deal and I should hold off and keep looking. I respected that, took his advice, along with others, and moved on.
When it came time to purchase this house, I gave this man a call and set up an appointment to buy the house through them. But, upon arriving, we were handed off to his son, Bobby, who is in his 50's, and things went downhill from there. It seriously seemed like this may have been his 3rd mortgage ever.
But, we stayed. I think I regret that. I should have said, You know what, we need to talk this over some more...we'll get back to you. Then, drove off.
I guess I'm being melodramtic. I should mention that nothing severe is going on. We are still in contract. I'm just mad.
He told us we'd have no problem closing by the 30th. Then, last week I called him to see where we were at in the process. That's when he told me the investor had almost finished our paperwork then realized it was for a manufactured home, which they no longer loan on, and cancelled the deal.
Shouldn't he have checked that before sending all of our paperwork to him? For those of you not following the market right now, a lot of things changed recently, like in the past 2-3 months, regarding loans. Most importantly, most investors quit loaning on manufactured homes at all. Period.
The first question I asked every bank and mortgage company was, Do you loan on manufactured homes? 9 times out of 10, I was told NO. So, why didn't our mortgage facilitator know to do this?
I should clarify. Bobby & his mortgage company no longer loan money on homes, they just work with other mortgage investors who do. So, basically, all he does is shop around and find me the best loan. Which is what I was doing before I met him. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me now.
Anyway, they switched to another investor last Tuesday and I was told it would take him about 3-4 days, tops. I found out Friday, he didn't even get our paperwork till Thursday. Monday, I called Bobby again (you know they LOVE me there now, right?) and he hem hawed around again and said he'd check on it for me and call me right back.
Still waiting on that phone call, 2 days later.
I did get a call yesterday from the new guy, Brian. Seems they are concerned about our debt to income ratio. We are doing a VA loan and they have strict guidelines. On paper, it looks like we won't have enough money to make our monthly payment, because they can't take into account that we'll be using the Home Buyer Tax Credit to pay our van loan off completely, erasing the $250 monthly payment.
So, as it stands today, I have an appointment with Brian tomorrow to discuss our options. We can switch to a FHA loan, which has less strenuous guidelines. He also suggested we pay off our van loan before closing. Yeah, right, buddy. And maybe I'll win the lottery (without actually playing) too.
I'm mad and extremely frustrated. Shouldn't Bobby, our mortgage guy, have recognized all of this when he ran our credit that first day? Shouldn't this have been brought up before NOW, a few days from closing?
My real estate agent, Demetra, said yes, he should have been the one to bring this up, weeks ago.
I just prayed two days ago that, if this house is the one God has for us, let the process go quick. If we're going to end up there anyway, why not sooner rather than later?
The only answer I can come up with is this: God is more interested in developing my character than making sure I get what I want, when I want. And by character (Mom!), I mean HIS character. I do believe we are on this earth for a purpose that has nothing to do with material things. Off of the top of my head, we were made to worship Him. To glorify Him. To be His chosen people, His sons & daughters. And to show His character, His nature, to the world. So...He's allowing things to push my buttons and show me the areas I need to work on. Obviously, patience is a biggie ;)
So, please pray for me. I'm failing this test miserably, cause I really want to call up old Bobby and call him an drooling idiot for wasting so much time for us. But, I haven't yet, so maybe there's hope for me yet ;)
I feel better already, just getting all this frustration out. I'll try to come up with something fun & uplifting to post next time!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Still waiting...
ANY DAY NOW!!!!! That's what the mortgage lady, Shrimp (a nickmame, I hope!), said to me when I called her last Thursday. I'm trying not to blow up her phone and pull a Micah:
"Is it ready?"
"How about now. Is it ready now?"
"No, it's not ready now."
"NO. NOT NOW. It is NOT ready NOW."
"Ready NOW?"
At least, that's how it went when he pulled that on Daddy two nights ago. It was awesome!
And I have no idea where he learned that trick :D
So, no, I haven't heard anything from the mortgage company, but as soon as I do, you'll be, like, the 5th person I tell! Promise.
"Is it ready?"
"How about now. Is it ready now?"
"No, it's not ready now."
"NO. NOT NOW. It is NOT ready NOW."
"Ready NOW?"
At least, that's how it went when he pulled that on Daddy two nights ago. It was awesome!
And I have no idea where he learned that trick :D
So, no, I haven't heard anything from the mortgage company, but as soon as I do, you'll be, like, the 5th person I tell! Promise.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
House update
We had been searching like maniacs for Chad's DD214 (the military loves to number their paperwork) for the past week. Seems it's a V.I.D. (very important document - they love their acronyms just as much) (but I made that one up!), which of course means Chad "misplaced" it, probably as soon as he opened it.
Basically, it's the form from the military that shows his time in and out of active duty and proves he is entitled to all the benefits of VA. Meaning, no DD214, no VA loan.
After digging through boxes and boxes of stuff that just makes me cry at seeing, and not finding it, I began to search our crammed bedroom for the 3rd time. Guess where I found it? In a glass (aka see through) candle holder on TOP of our dresser. Where Chad put it so he wouldn't forget it.
Then, we drive 30 minutes one way to the mortgage company's office yesterday to deliver all the final paperwork, and guess what we forget? Yep, DD214!!!
That was a fun ride home.
But, regardless, they finally have everything they needed to turn our paperwork over to the approval department of the THDA loan program. Our lady did say, after I forced her to give me a potential time frame, that we could be closing on the house as early as next Friday!
Can you say, THANK YOU JESUS!!!!
We are waiting on Chad's W2's to arrive in the mail from the past two years. We couldn't find those in storage. They sent off our paperwork without the real copies (oxy moron), but we should have them before time to close. Please pray everything continues to go smoothly. We are very excited and it almost feels like we may really be about to move out of my parents' house. Almost.
Basically, it's the form from the military that shows his time in and out of active duty and proves he is entitled to all the benefits of VA. Meaning, no DD214, no VA loan.
After digging through boxes and boxes of stuff that just makes me cry at seeing, and not finding it, I began to search our crammed bedroom for the 3rd time. Guess where I found it? In a glass (aka see through) candle holder on TOP of our dresser. Where Chad put it so he wouldn't forget it.
Then, we drive 30 minutes one way to the mortgage company's office yesterday to deliver all the final paperwork, and guess what we forget? Yep, DD214!!!
That was a fun ride home.
But, regardless, they finally have everything they needed to turn our paperwork over to the approval department of the THDA loan program. Our lady did say, after I forced her to give me a potential time frame, that we could be closing on the house as early as next Friday!
Can you say, THANK YOU JESUS!!!!
We are waiting on Chad's W2's to arrive in the mail from the past two years. We couldn't find those in storage. They sent off our paperwork without the real copies (oxy moron), but we should have them before time to close. Please pray everything continues to go smoothly. We are very excited and it almost feels like we may really be about to move out of my parents' house. Almost.
Funny for today...
I admit, this is not my writing, but I sure wish I had come up with it first! I found a really funny blogging daddy online today and this was one of his posts. I laughed so hard, I wanted to share:
Husband: “Ready?”
Wife: “I was waiting for you.”
Husband: “Oh… I was waiting for you.”
Wife: “Well… I’m ready.”
Husband: Great. Shall we go?”
Wife: Sure – just give me five minutes.”
Editor’s note: when husbands were asked if they thought this joke was mildly-to-moderately amusing, 84% said “yes;” when wives were asked the same question, 91% said “What joke? You think it’s easy getting ready? We can’t just hop in the shower and be done. We have to do our hair, put on our make-up, and then clean up the bathroom before we leave because our husbands NEVER do. Seriously, do they want the babysitter to think we’re slobs? And how hard is it to hang up a towel and wipe down the sink, anyway? If you want to talk about getting ready to go out, men are the real joke, and we don’t think it’s funny.”
Check him out at, at your own risk (I saw a mild curse word or two).
Husband: “Ready?”
Wife: “I was waiting for you.”
Husband: “Oh… I was waiting for you.”
Wife: “Well… I’m ready.”
Husband: Great. Shall we go?”
Wife: Sure – just give me five minutes.”
Editor’s note: when husbands were asked if they thought this joke was mildly-to-moderately amusing, 84% said “yes;” when wives were asked the same question, 91% said “What joke? You think it’s easy getting ready? We can’t just hop in the shower and be done. We have to do our hair, put on our make-up, and then clean up the bathroom before we leave because our husbands NEVER do. Seriously, do they want the babysitter to think we’re slobs? And how hard is it to hang up a towel and wipe down the sink, anyway? If you want to talk about getting ready to go out, men are the real joke, and we don’t think it’s funny.”
Check him out at, at your own risk (I saw a mild curse word or two).
Monday, October 12, 2009
Random pics
Dad came home with an unusual present a few weeks ago:
He had mentioned in church one night that he needed a shirt that said, "I see stupid people", like that kid from the movie Sixth Sense. So some crazy person had one made up and gave it to him the next night. He wore it proudly :D
This next picture is why I DREAD rainy days right now:
This next picture is why I DREAD rainy days right now:
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Face painting, yard sales, and kisses...oh my!
My fanTABulous mother in law, otherwise referred to as Jody, came to visit this past weekend for two days. Originally, Katie was supposed to sing with her Chorus group at the Fall Festival, but her teacher got sick and they cancelled their performances. Personally, I think she should have sucked it up and drug her sick bottom to the festival for 20 whole minutes while they sang 3 songs. But what do I know :) All I'm sayin' is, she better have the pig flu!
But Jody was already on her way when we found out and she was dying to see the kids anyway, and vice versa, so she came on. It's a six hour drive, so that was pretty sweet of her.
We had so much fun. She got to be here when her son signed the bid on the house, got to see the house, and she loved it. She was almost excited as I was! Almost.
We just had fun hanging out. She & I get along really well, plus she thinks my kids are the best, smartest, prettiest kids in the whole world. So we REALLY get along well :)
I found out something new about her this trip: she can BARGAIN. As in, she went yardsaling Saturday morning with Katie, armed with a list of sizes and clothing items needed, and came back with bags full of name brand, very nice, some new clothing...all for $17! I was supposed to join them around 11am but she seriously got the kids everything they needed for now, so I didn't have to.
Anyway, we had a blast. Took the kids to their Fall Festival (I forgot my camera. She didn't, of course!), yard saling, a vegetable soup party, and house bidding.
Here are the only pictures I got of her this trip, including outtakes of her with the kids:

Good enough!

Princess Katie & her tattoo - at least it's not a dog!

How sweet are they?!
Jody's 51st birthday was that weekend but she really didn't want anyone to make a deal out of it, so we didn't, but I regret that now. I wish I had gone all out and baked a cake, put up streamers, and sang the birthday song everytime she entered the room. Just like we did Chad :)
Somehow, I think she got her birthday wish, though, by spending two days with her grandbabies. Cheap gift!
But Jody was already on her way when we found out and she was dying to see the kids anyway, and vice versa, so she came on. It's a six hour drive, so that was pretty sweet of her.
We had so much fun. She got to be here when her son signed the bid on the house, got to see the house, and she loved it. She was almost excited as I was! Almost.
We just had fun hanging out. She & I get along really well, plus she thinks my kids are the best, smartest, prettiest kids in the whole world. So we REALLY get along well :)
I found out something new about her this trip: she can BARGAIN. As in, she went yardsaling Saturday morning with Katie, armed with a list of sizes and clothing items needed, and came back with bags full of name brand, very nice, some new clothing...all for $17! I was supposed to join them around 11am but she seriously got the kids everything they needed for now, so I didn't have to.
Anyway, we had a blast. Took the kids to their Fall Festival (I forgot my camera. She didn't, of course!), yard saling, a vegetable soup party, and house bidding.
Here are the only pictures I got of her this trip, including outtakes of her with the kids:
Ben, Chad, & Jody have the exact same eyes.
Good enough!
Princess Katie & her tattoo - at least it's not a dog!
How sweet are they?!
Somehow, I think she got her birthday wish, though, by spending two days with her grandbabies. Cheap gift!
A few more pics
I had to go out to the house (I LOVE writing that!) Monday and I took a few more pictures, to try & show just how large this house is:

Left side - all those cabinets have me itching to unpack!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
We have a winner!!!
A week ago Demetra, my really cool real estate agent, sent me an email with two new home listings. One was almost in the next county, about 25 minutes away and on more than an acre. It was a double wide on a permanent foundation. It was older, a little outdated in appearance, but for the land & location, I was okay with it. The other one had just one picture of the outside, which looked great, but had just over half an acre and was at the top of our price range, at $79,800.
We set an appointment for the next day to visit both. I was kind of discouraged and had a laid back, we'll see attitude. We started with the 2nd one, on .63 of an acre. I walked in the door and fell in love. Well, actually, I walked into the master bathroom and fell in love! But more about that later ;)
It's a 2006 doublewide on a permanent foundation (a REAL permenant foundation - we made sure this time!), 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, a living room, dining room, AND den. It has one of the nicest layouts I've seen so far. Plus, and one of the coolest factors, it has 2234 square feet!!!
It looks brand new due to the owner, a retired bank president, buying it as a repo in June and installing new appliances & new carpet, among other things.
So, long story short, we looked at it, loved it, and put an offer on it the following Friday. Saturday he came back with a counter offer, we countered back, he came back with the same offer, but with a twist. Basically, he had a bottom dollar he was willing to accept, but he offered us three different ways to pay for it:
Option A: We agree to a sales price of $76k and he pays $2200+ towards closing costs (estimated at $2700). We only have to come up with approximately $500 cash at closing. Monthly payment will be approximately $485
Option B: A sales price of $74,800 and he pays $1,000 toward closing costs, meaning we have to be ready to pay around $1700 at closing. Monthy payment approximately $460
Option C: $73,750, he pays no closing costs, and we have to have approximately $2700 at closing. Monthly payment approximately $430.
Now, we also have to pay for a couple of things up front: the home inspection (not required but a good idea) which runs between $150-$400, and the appraisal. We don't get to pick the appraiser, since we are getting a VA loan and they use their own guys. This will cost about $200-$400 as well. That's $800, worse case scenario, we need to have in our pocket before we even put an offer on a home.
So, with option A, we need to have about $1300 (more if you're smart) in cash on hand. Option B would require about $2500 in cash, and Option C means $3500 comes out of our pocket by the time we close.
The owner had a certain amount in mind that he wanted to make on the deal and he was willing to let the property sit until he got it. But he was pretty flexible as to how we paid for it. Obviously, he became president of a bank for good reason!
He is also throwing in a home warranty good for a year, worth about $500. Sounds cheap but that would be the price to replace the water heater, for instance, if something goes wrong. Totally worth the $500.
We decided to go with Option B. We will have no problem meeting the cash on hand requirements, without putting ourselves in a financial bind, and the monthly payment will be well within our desired range. All in all, it is a great deal.
We did make it all contingent on the appraisal, home inspection, and surveyor's report (the tax records were a little messed up on the lines).
By the way, by the time we got to this first house to tour it, the 2nd one was already in contract...another door slammed shut by my Heavenly Father!
Here are the pictures of my soon-to-be first, fanTABulous home:
Those who know me really well, know that one of my pet peeves is having your potty next to the area you brush your teeth. Or take a relaxing bath. I mean, WHY?! I have always wanted one of those bathrooms where the toilet was in it's own little room. You do your business, close the door, bam! No smell, no spashage on your tooth brush (think about it! Or, maybe not...). So, it's like God said, Here you go, daughter...your own sanitary friendly bathroom. Enjoy! Yes, that's how my God works ;)
But wait - that's just the right side of the master bathroom. The entire bathroom is as big as my last bedroom! Here's the middle:
Yep, that's a stone gas fireplace. In my den. :)
Check out this massive kitchen! I love it! That's the living room to the right...

New appliances, including flat top stove :) Pantry to the right.
That's the utility room straight ahead, with a door on the left to the back yard, a door on the right into the kids' bathroom.
A deck already set up for grilling out - God loves me!

The back yard, straight off the back deck. Behind those leaves is a spectacular view of the mountains. Does God not know me inside and out and care so much about the details??? Yes, yes He does!
View from the kitchen sink. I can watch the kids and gaze at the mountain scenery while doing the dishes.

I'm not gonna lie: it's not the setup I had in mind when I started this home search. I'd prefer a smaller house with more land. I'd LOVE to not have such close neighbors. But, we are one mile from the elementary school the kids would be attending. That's big to me. Less time they will be on the bus, if they ride it at all. Plus, their cousins, Natalie & Regan, already attend that school, another plus for me. I'm finally living my dream of the kids growing up with their cousins, aunts & uncles, and grandparents.
We set an appointment for the next day to visit both. I was kind of discouraged and had a laid back, we'll see attitude. We started with the 2nd one, on .63 of an acre. I walked in the door and fell in love. Well, actually, I walked into the master bathroom and fell in love! But more about that later ;)
It's a 2006 doublewide on a permanent foundation (a REAL permenant foundation - we made sure this time!), 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, a living room, dining room, AND den. It has one of the nicest layouts I've seen so far. Plus, and one of the coolest factors, it has 2234 square feet!!!
It looks brand new due to the owner, a retired bank president, buying it as a repo in June and installing new appliances & new carpet, among other things.
So, long story short, we looked at it, loved it, and put an offer on it the following Friday. Saturday he came back with a counter offer, we countered back, he came back with the same offer, but with a twist. Basically, he had a bottom dollar he was willing to accept, but he offered us three different ways to pay for it:
Option A: We agree to a sales price of $76k and he pays $2200+ towards closing costs (estimated at $2700). We only have to come up with approximately $500 cash at closing. Monthly payment will be approximately $485
Option B: A sales price of $74,800 and he pays $1,000 toward closing costs, meaning we have to be ready to pay around $1700 at closing. Monthy payment approximately $460
Option C: $73,750, he pays no closing costs, and we have to have approximately $2700 at closing. Monthly payment approximately $430.
Now, we also have to pay for a couple of things up front: the home inspection (not required but a good idea) which runs between $150-$400, and the appraisal. We don't get to pick the appraiser, since we are getting a VA loan and they use their own guys. This will cost about $200-$400 as well. That's $800, worse case scenario, we need to have in our pocket before we even put an offer on a home.
So, with option A, we need to have about $1300 (more if you're smart) in cash on hand. Option B would require about $2500 in cash, and Option C means $3500 comes out of our pocket by the time we close.
The owner had a certain amount in mind that he wanted to make on the deal and he was willing to let the property sit until he got it. But he was pretty flexible as to how we paid for it. Obviously, he became president of a bank for good reason!
He is also throwing in a home warranty good for a year, worth about $500. Sounds cheap but that would be the price to replace the water heater, for instance, if something goes wrong. Totally worth the $500.
We decided to go with Option B. We will have no problem meeting the cash on hand requirements, without putting ourselves in a financial bind, and the monthly payment will be well within our desired range. All in all, it is a great deal.
We did make it all contingent on the appraisal, home inspection, and surveyor's report (the tax records were a little messed up on the lines).
By the way, by the time we got to this first house to tour it, the 2nd one was already in contract...another door slammed shut by my Heavenly Father!
Here are the pictures of my soon-to-be first, fanTABulous home:
Okay...this is where they got me - master bath :) Right side:
But wait - that's just the right side of the master bathroom. The entire bathroom is as big as my last bedroom! Here's the middle:
Yes, that's a long, walk in closet in the back!
And yes, that mirror will be the FIRST thing to go :) But, pretty much, that moment is when I said, I'll take it! The rest of the house was just the cherry on top.
Left side of the master bath. Cute hubby not included ;)
Left side of the master bath. Cute hubby not included ;)
Yep, that's a stone gas fireplace. In my den. :)
New appliances, including flat top stove :) Pantry to the right.
A deck already set up for grilling out - God loves me!
The back yard, straight off the back deck. Behind those leaves is a spectacular view of the mountains. Does God not know me inside and out and care so much about the details??? Yes, yes He does!
I'm not gonna lie: it's not the setup I had in mind when I started this home search. I'd prefer a smaller house with more land. I'd LOVE to not have such close neighbors. But, we are one mile from the elementary school the kids would be attending. That's big to me. Less time they will be on the bus, if they ride it at all. Plus, their cousins, Natalie & Regan, already attend that school, another plus for me. I'm finally living my dream of the kids growing up with their cousins, aunts & uncles, and grandparents.
Also, I'm about 3 miles or less from Louise & Tim's house. Well, we'll see if that's a plus or not :P Just kidding, Weeze!
You know, I could really obssess about find the PERFECT house (I did, it was already sold when I found it LOL), but I've tried to remember a few things:
First, this doesn't have to be our final home. We can always sell & move again, as our finances improve.
Second, and most importantly: This world is not my home! I'm a pilgrim and a stranger, in search of a better, a more perfect Home. So, while it's a part of life, I refuse to let it rule my life. I will buy a home, move on with my life, and keep the my focus on the One that rules & reigns for all of eternity!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
By the way...
I forgot to update you guys on the house we were looking to bid on, under the subject "2nd Choice". 24 hours before we had to turn in our bid, we found out the foundation is not considered a "permanent" foundation, under the latest government guidelines. Meaning, no loan.
Some mortgage companies will loan on a trailer not on a foundation, but for several different reasons, that didn't seem the best way to go to me. God is so good, because He knows how indecisive I am, and He confirmed through about 3 different people that we should walk away from that deal. Then, and this really IS a God thing, I just felt so strongly all of a sudden that God REALLY does have something great in store for us!
I sound so shocked, right? But that really has concerned me, that I may not like what He has in store for us.
Remember a while back I wrote that I don't believe just because you don't get a certain thing, that necessarily means God has something bigger and better for you? Well, I still think that is true in some cases. Why? Three words: The Apostle Paul.
Paul was beaten, thrown in prison, shipwrecked, bitten by a snake, and basically persecuted for most, if not all, of his Christian life. But he was right where God wanted Him. He was in the will of God for his life. That was his bigger and better!
God's will for my life may not be a grand house, lots of land, or the nicest car on the market. In fact, His plan for me may not even include my version of bigger and better...a cute little house out in the country. Why? I have no idea. I do not know what His exact plan for me is, or why. I just know He has one and I want it. Because I know, no matter where I am, I will be content as long at it's HIS will and HIS plan for me.
So, that said, last week God gave me great peace that whatever lies ahead for us, it will be GOOD. I've worried that we'd end up somewhere I couldn't let my kids play outside, or would be too ashamed to bring friends and family to. But for some reason, God let me know that I can rest assured in that department. He has GOOD plans for me.
I know we like to quote that Scripture, Jeremiah 29:11: I know the plans I have for you. A plan to prosper you, to bless you. Plans to give you a hope and future (I'm paraphrasing!). But Job was in the plan of God when his life was blown to smitherines, just as much as he was when God multiplied Job's blessings later.
God sees past, present, and future, so I have a feeling His focus is not just on how He can bless and make me feel good TODAY, but how today will affect my future, and eventually, my eternity. He is making ALL things work together for my good. Past, present, future. There's a wonderful peace in knowing just how big and awesome He is, and that He rules my world!
Again, I don't know exactly what that all means for me, but I'm excited to find out. One day. For now, I'm excited to be exactly where I am right now, because this, too, is obviously His will for my
Some mortgage companies will loan on a trailer not on a foundation, but for several different reasons, that didn't seem the best way to go to me. God is so good, because He knows how indecisive I am, and He confirmed through about 3 different people that we should walk away from that deal. Then, and this really IS a God thing, I just felt so strongly all of a sudden that God REALLY does have something great in store for us!
I sound so shocked, right? But that really has concerned me, that I may not like what He has in store for us.
Remember a while back I wrote that I don't believe just because you don't get a certain thing, that necessarily means God has something bigger and better for you? Well, I still think that is true in some cases. Why? Three words: The Apostle Paul.
Paul was beaten, thrown in prison, shipwrecked, bitten by a snake, and basically persecuted for most, if not all, of his Christian life. But he was right where God wanted Him. He was in the will of God for his life. That was his bigger and better!
God's will for my life may not be a grand house, lots of land, or the nicest car on the market. In fact, His plan for me may not even include my version of bigger and better...a cute little house out in the country. Why? I have no idea. I do not know what His exact plan for me is, or why. I just know He has one and I want it. Because I know, no matter where I am, I will be content as long at it's HIS will and HIS plan for me.
So, that said, last week God gave me great peace that whatever lies ahead for us, it will be GOOD. I've worried that we'd end up somewhere I couldn't let my kids play outside, or would be too ashamed to bring friends and family to. But for some reason, God let me know that I can rest assured in that department. He has GOOD plans for me.
I know we like to quote that Scripture, Jeremiah 29:11: I know the plans I have for you. A plan to prosper you, to bless you. Plans to give you a hope and future (I'm paraphrasing!). But Job was in the plan of God when his life was blown to smitherines, just as much as he was when God multiplied Job's blessings later.
God sees past, present, and future, so I have a feeling His focus is not just on how He can bless and make me feel good TODAY, but how today will affect my future, and eventually, my eternity. He is making ALL things work together for my good. Past, present, future. There's a wonderful peace in knowing just how big and awesome He is, and that He rules my world!
Again, I don't know exactly what that all means for me, but I'm excited to find out. One day. For now, I'm excited to be exactly where I am right now, because this, too, is obviously His will for my
Yes, Virgina, there is a Santa Claus!
And KMart and WalMart have layaway again, which means there will be Christmas this year, kids!
I'm kidding, really, because I cannot NOT buy Christmas presents. I'd fast two meals a day to afford presents, even if I had to shop at the Dollar Store :) That's the "Smith" in me!
But what's up with Lowes and KMart putting up Christmas trees in September!? Like we need that pressure already! I will admit, though, I was in there Sunday, oohing and ahhing over the bea u ti ful blue and silver Christmas tree. Back off, girls...they made that one for me!
I'm kidding, really, because I cannot NOT buy Christmas presents. I'd fast two meals a day to afford presents, even if I had to shop at the Dollar Store :) That's the "Smith" in me!
But what's up with Lowes and KMart putting up Christmas trees in September!? Like we need that pressure already! I will admit, though, I was in there Sunday, oohing and ahhing over the bea u ti ful blue and silver Christmas tree. Back off, girls...they made that one for me!
Oh, Autumn!
Is is Autumn already?! Where in the world did Summer go? Fall/Autumn (is there a difference?) is my all time favorite season of the four, but seriously, how can it be here already?! I think I'm in denial because I never got that really great tan I wanted this summer. To me, it's not summer until I have a golden burnt look to me. I didn't get that this year, though not for lack of trying. I think I may be permanently stained "Ghost White"....horrors! "No, this isn't my costume, I'm just that white!"
This is my second Fall season living here with Mom & Dad, for those who aren't keeping track of the seconds (anyone?!) like I am. Talk about a punch to the gut. I mean, love being here as much as the next guy (except Josh - he loves it WAY too much), but I would really, really love to be in my own home during my favorite season and favorite two holidays, Thanksgiving & Christmas. I have such awesome decorations for those two holidays and I miss them. I mean, really MISS them!!!!! (notice the italics, bold, and underline to show emphasis!)
I was sitting on the living room this morning and kept seeing movement from the corner of my eye. It took me a minute to realize it was the leaves falling from the trees. They haven't even turned colors properly yet and they're already falling? That means I better get busy with my camera!
Speaking of pictures, here's one for today:
This is my second Fall season living here with Mom & Dad, for those who aren't keeping track of the seconds (anyone?!) like I am. Talk about a punch to the gut. I mean, love being here as much as the next guy (except Josh - he loves it WAY too much), but I would really, really love to be in my own home during my favorite season and favorite two holidays, Thanksgiving & Christmas. I have such awesome decorations for those two holidays and I miss them. I mean, really MISS them!!!!! (notice the italics, bold, and underline to show emphasis!)
I was sitting on the living room this morning and kept seeing movement from the corner of my eye. It took me a minute to realize it was the leaves falling from the trees. They haven't even turned colors properly yet and they're already falling? That means I better get busy with my camera!
Speaking of pictures, here's one for today:
"I" is for insect!
Micah's class is learning the letter "I" this week, which means insects! Ms. Carissa said Micah (aka Mommy) could bring an insect in to class tomorrow for the Insect Net. As we drove home from school today, this huge, ugly catapillar was crawling across the road. Being the good mommy that I am, I jumped out with a baggie and scooped it up for him. The sound of that experience could be heard miles away: "OMG, OMG, OMG!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!"
Then I threw it to Casey, who was with my in the car, with the threat of me wrecking the car on her side if she dropped it or let it escape while I was in the car with it. The threat worked and we made it home safe & sound. But I am not about to take that plastic off the top. Not even for a picture :)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
2nd Choice
Guess which house just came back on the market?!
Remember this one?
Love that tub! I am picturing lots of candles, a stack of books, and mirror removal!
Already has a nice sized deck in back.
Also, you can't see it, but just on the other side of the deck is a concrete slab they brought in, probably to get rid of a constant mud puddle every time it rained. We can add steps to the other side of the deck down to the slab and have a really great set up in the back for grilling & entertaining. Cause I'm ALL about the entertaining ;)
Feature #3: Gas Fireplace!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry so dark, but love the dining room with doors out to the deck. Wouldn't French doors look even better? hmmmmm....
One of the best features is right behind those trees - an amazing view of the mountains in the fall & winter months! Hello, swing on the front porch, here I come!
Out of all of the kitchen set ups I've seen lately, this one is probably my least favorite:
So, we will be bidding on it within the next 24 hours. Pray I have ears to hear what God says about this one. Let Him make it plain for me...I'm dense sometimes!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The one that got away...
Sorry this took so long but I've been crazy busy. I'm just going to summarize the story for you. I found this house around the first week I seriously started looking but it was already in contract. It was really cute, 3/1, 1400+ square feet, and a very nice fenced in back yard on a quiet side street. French doors leading to a really cute deck, a remodeled kitchen & floors from what I coul see through the window. Best of all, only $70,400! I've been looking for almost 3 months now and I could tell right off the bat, this was an EXCELLENT deal.
I told Chad, if we had to live in town, this is how I'd want to do it.
I called about every two weeks to see if the contract had closed and the answer was always, "Soon!" So, last Monday morning I logged onto and it was the newest listed home. I called a new agent immediately, recommended to me by my sister Louise, and we met for the first time at this house.
The first walk through was not disappointing - the entire house had been remodeled about 1.5 years ago, and Louise's agent, Cheree, had been the buyer's agent for it last February. She found out the couple divorced and neither could afford the payment, so it was listed $18,000 below it's appraisal - instant equity!
We already had Josh give us an estimate on enclosing the carpet to add on another bedroom, and we put in a bid. The max amount we can afford for a loan is $63,000, so we bid $70,400 and no closing costs, meaning that we could put our $8,000 down and get a loan for right at $62,000. My bank is the one that owns it and would be loaning us the money as well, so my agent recommended they eat their own paperwork costs ;) I liked her immediately!
On a side note, handing over $1,000 as earnest money on buying a home made me feel like such a Big Girl! You'd think birthing 4 kids would have done that, but, no, I still felt like such an adult when we did that :D
Second note: we ended up with a third agent - my sister's agent had to have surgery and a coworker took our case, but I actually REALLY her. After we lost the bid she told me that God has a house for us, we'll keep looking. She had me at "God" :) Plus, she lowered her commission by $40 or $50 because another agent had just lost a bid for her client because she didn't. Loved her even more!
So, anyway, we found out the next day around noon that our bid was not accepted. I should explain that this was a foreclosure on a HUD, so no offers, just bids. No negotiating. The winning bid was $72,000, plus payed closing costs.
But, I had peace when she told me. We did our best, we bid our top dollar, and then we prayed. Mom & Dad, my mother in law, all my friends and family, my Grandma, who - hello - the Holy Ghost lives at her house! We all were praying for God's will. It just so happens His answer was, "Not this house."
I was fine with that. I did have a mini meltdown when Demetra, our new agent, sent me all she had in our county for $80,000 and under, including 2 bedrooms, and only two of them were options. Today I saw both of those and now none of them are options. But, God is in control of this situation and He has a plan. I know it includes a house for my family. One day.
But, here are the pictures. It was plain on the outside, but clean & cute on the inside. Definite potential. And now we know what we are willing to make that monthly payment for:

Check out this green kitchen! It's a little different, but we all loved it:

Love the white trim against the green. They had some really nice extra touches, like the fan in every room was brushed silver, and the crown molding (sp).
I told Chad, if we had to live in town, this is how I'd want to do it.
I called about every two weeks to see if the contract had closed and the answer was always, "Soon!" So, last Monday morning I logged onto and it was the newest listed home. I called a new agent immediately, recommended to me by my sister Louise, and we met for the first time at this house.
The first walk through was not disappointing - the entire house had been remodeled about 1.5 years ago, and Louise's agent, Cheree, had been the buyer's agent for it last February. She found out the couple divorced and neither could afford the payment, so it was listed $18,000 below it's appraisal - instant equity!
We already had Josh give us an estimate on enclosing the carpet to add on another bedroom, and we put in a bid. The max amount we can afford for a loan is $63,000, so we bid $70,400 and no closing costs, meaning that we could put our $8,000 down and get a loan for right at $62,000. My bank is the one that owns it and would be loaning us the money as well, so my agent recommended they eat their own paperwork costs ;) I liked her immediately!
On a side note, handing over $1,000 as earnest money on buying a home made me feel like such a Big Girl! You'd think birthing 4 kids would have done that, but, no, I still felt like such an adult when we did that :D
Second note: we ended up with a third agent - my sister's agent had to have surgery and a coworker took our case, but I actually REALLY her. After we lost the bid she told me that God has a house for us, we'll keep looking. She had me at "God" :) Plus, she lowered her commission by $40 or $50 because another agent had just lost a bid for her client because she didn't. Loved her even more!
So, anyway, we found out the next day around noon that our bid was not accepted. I should explain that this was a foreclosure on a HUD, so no offers, just bids. No negotiating. The winning bid was $72,000, plus payed closing costs.
But, I had peace when she told me. We did our best, we bid our top dollar, and then we prayed. Mom & Dad, my mother in law, all my friends and family, my Grandma, who - hello - the Holy Ghost lives at her house! We all were praying for God's will. It just so happens His answer was, "Not this house."
I was fine with that. I did have a mini meltdown when Demetra, our new agent, sent me all she had in our county for $80,000 and under, including 2 bedrooms, and only two of them were options. Today I saw both of those and now none of them are options. But, God is in control of this situation and He has a plan. I know it includes a house for my family. One day.
But, here are the pictures. It was plain on the outside, but clean & cute on the inside. Definite potential. And now we know what we are willing to make that monthly payment for:
Check out this green kitchen! It's a little different, but we all loved it:
Love the white trim against the green. They had some really nice extra touches, like the fan in every room was brushed silver, and the crown molding (sp).
So there you have it, guys. We saw, we bid, we lost. But I already got back up on that horse and saw two today, with a couple of FSBOs to look at this week. Keep me in your prayers, please! My agent reminded me today that we have a deadline of Nov. 30th to be eligible for that tax incentive. Like I forgot that somehow LOL.
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