We set an appointment for the next day to visit both. I was kind of discouraged and had a laid back, we'll see attitude. We started with the 2nd one, on .63 of an acre. I walked in the door and fell in love. Well, actually, I walked into the master bathroom and fell in love! But more about that later ;)
It's a 2006 doublewide on a permanent foundation (a REAL permenant foundation - we made sure this time!), 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, a living room, dining room, AND den. It has one of the nicest layouts I've seen so far. Plus, and one of the coolest factors, it has 2234 square feet!!!
It looks brand new due to the owner, a retired bank president, buying it as a repo in June and installing new appliances & new carpet, among other things.
So, long story short, we looked at it, loved it, and put an offer on it the following Friday. Saturday he came back with a counter offer, we countered back, he came back with the same offer, but with a twist. Basically, he had a bottom dollar he was willing to accept, but he offered us three different ways to pay for it:
Option A: We agree to a sales price of $76k and he pays $2200+ towards closing costs (estimated at $2700). We only have to come up with approximately $500 cash at closing. Monthly payment will be approximately $485
Option B: A sales price of $74,800 and he pays $1,000 toward closing costs, meaning we have to be ready to pay around $1700 at closing. Monthy payment approximately $460
Option C: $73,750, he pays no closing costs, and we have to have approximately $2700 at closing. Monthly payment approximately $430.
Now, we also have to pay for a couple of things up front: the home inspection (not required but a good idea) which runs between $150-$400, and the appraisal. We don't get to pick the appraiser, since we are getting a VA loan and they use their own guys. This will cost about $200-$400 as well. That's $800, worse case scenario, we need to have in our pocket before we even put an offer on a home.
So, with option A, we need to have about $1300 (more if you're smart) in cash on hand. Option B would require about $2500 in cash, and Option C means $3500 comes out of our pocket by the time we close.
The owner had a certain amount in mind that he wanted to make on the deal and he was willing to let the property sit until he got it. But he was pretty flexible as to how we paid for it. Obviously, he became president of a bank for good reason!
He is also throwing in a home warranty good for a year, worth about $500. Sounds cheap but that would be the price to replace the water heater, for instance, if something goes wrong. Totally worth the $500.
We decided to go with Option B. We will have no problem meeting the cash on hand requirements, without putting ourselves in a financial bind, and the monthly payment will be well within our desired range. All in all, it is a great deal.
We did make it all contingent on the appraisal, home inspection, and surveyor's report (the tax records were a little messed up on the lines).
By the way, by the time we got to this first house to tour it, the 2nd one was already in contract...another door slammed shut by my Heavenly Father!
Here are the pictures of my soon-to-be first, fanTABulous home:
Okay...this is where they got me - master bath :) Right side:
But wait - that's just the right side of the master bathroom. The entire bathroom is as big as my last bedroom! Here's the middle:
Yes, that's a long, walk in closet in the back!
And yes, that mirror will be the FIRST thing to go :) But, pretty much, that moment is when I said, I'll take it! The rest of the house was just the cherry on top.
Left side of the master bath. Cute hubby not included ;)
Left side of the master bath. Cute hubby not included ;)
Yep, that's a stone gas fireplace. In my den. :)
New appliances, including flat top stove :) Pantry to the right.
A deck already set up for grilling out - God loves me!
The back yard, straight off the back deck. Behind those leaves is a spectacular view of the mountains. Does God not know me inside and out and care so much about the details??? Yes, yes He does!
I'm not gonna lie: it's not the setup I had in mind when I started this home search. I'd prefer a smaller house with more land. I'd LOVE to not have such close neighbors. But, we are one mile from the elementary school the kids would be attending. That's big to me. Less time they will be on the bus, if they ride it at all. Plus, their cousins, Natalie & Regan, already attend that school, another plus for me. I'm finally living my dream of the kids growing up with their cousins, aunts & uncles, and grandparents.
Also, I'm about 3 miles or less from Louise & Tim's house. Well, we'll see if that's a plus or not :P Just kidding, Weeze!
You know, I could really obssess about find the PERFECT house (I did, it was already sold when I found it LOL), but I've tried to remember a few things:
First, this doesn't have to be our final home. We can always sell & move again, as our finances improve.
Second, and most importantly: This world is not my home! I'm a pilgrim and a stranger, in search of a better, a more perfect Home. So, while it's a part of life, I refuse to let it rule my life. I will buy a home, move on with my life, and keep the my focus on the One that rules & reigns for all of eternity!
I LOVE IT!!!! And totally a plus living near me. Butthead. I'm a little jealous of how nice your house looks. your doing the hunting for me next time.