I am still following my Read the Bible Through in 2-3 Years Plan and I am happy to say I finished the book of Numbers and started into Deuteronomy yesterday. Micah was sick and wanted me to lay with him on the bed for about 4-5 hours straight. There's not much you can do then but read or watch tv. I don't have a tv in my bedroom, so I caught up on some Bible reading. Not the whole 4 or 5 hours, of course, but I finally got Moses and the children of Israel closer to the Promised Land. It even feels like forty years of reading by the time they finally get there!
Anyway, my Bible has an awesome Truth in Action section at the end of each book, summarizing the truths taught in the book and how you can practically apply them in your life. I love to hear other people's thoughts on Scripture, even if I don't always agree, don't you?
So one of the Truths taught in Numbers, according to the scholars that wrote the notes in my Bible, is this:
"Numbers underlines that God's people are to be contented with God's provision. Discontent reveals a lack of faith in God. He knows what we need and will meet that need in His perfect time. Faith is willing to wait for that time and rest in His present provision."
The first time I read that, I thought, "WOW!" and then, "Ouch!"
You remember when you were a kid and all year long you'd plan and dream about your next birthday. Then, it's be the Big Day and you'd be so excited about turning a year older. But, immediately, you'd start talking about your next birthday, and how you can't wait to turn that next number, dreaming and planning how much more fun that birthday would be. You never seemed to just enjoy the age you were at right then. Always looking ahead anxiously, instead of living in the moment.
That's what this truth made me think of. Always wanting the next big thing, the next new car, bigger house, better job...and never truly content in the moment where you are. Um, ouch.
I keep getting reminded of this in my own life, so apparently it's a lesson I'm supposed to be learning, and a test I keep failing with all of my grumbling and complaining. No, my situation is not ideal, but it is where God has placed me for this moment in time. He has provided for all of my needs, and I'm supposed to be content with that. I don't believe that means stop with the job & house hunting, but to do so with an attitude that in God's perfect time and in His perfect way, it will happen.
And I totally agree with the rest...it is a LACK of faith to be discontent. It's like telling God, "Your current provisions aren't good enough, Lord! I want/need MORE than what You are giving me!" What would you say if your kids told you that on a daily basis? I'd laugh my head off, then take everything but the bare essentials away from them, until they can appreciate even the basics. Yikes!
Don't you hate to be around a child that is always complaining about what they want or what they need, when you can tell they already have everything and more? They're spoiled!
OMG, I think I'm a spoiled brat! Ugh. I can't stand a spoiled brat. Apparently, neither can God, cause I think He's trying to talk to me about it :)
So, here are the Actions they say for us to take, to apply the principles to our own lives:
Accept where God has placed you in His body. Rest in the fact He has placed you just where He wants you. (Numbers 2:1-34 & 1 Corinthians 12:18)
Do not complain because of hardships. God designs them to train us for maturity. (As Dad said this morning, usually the things you are kicking & fighting against the most are the things God has sent your way to push you to the next place you are supposed to be.) (Numbers 11:1)
Rejoice! Know that the Lord is your inheritance because He has given you His Son and eternal life. (Numbers 18:20)
Hard to argue with that, right?
So, that's my little sermonette for today. It may only be for me, but somehow, I doubt that ;)
Rest in the Lord today!
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