Thursday, May 10, 2012

I am not ashamed!

Yesterday one of our southern states, North Carolina, voted against legalizing marriage between two men or two women, defining marriage as being between a man and woman only. And immediately, our President (I had to make myself capitalize that word) went on record on national tv as supporting gay marriage. Meaning, he disagreed with the state of North Carolina. Like we didn't already know that, but apparently now he is willing to say those exact words in one sentence, instead of always beating around the bush.

And I kept my mouth shut. 

And then I got on Facebook, and started reading all these rants about how close-minded North Carolina and the south is. How bigoted, ignorant, and just plain MEAN Bible thumpers are. 

And I kept my mouth shut. Because, really, who cares what they think. I know I'm right. I know the Bible says about homosexuality. So, why should I care who disagrees?

But then I read some things that made me mad. Righteously mad. Indignant. I read Christians using the Bible to defend their "equality for all" stance. Preaching a God of love that hates no one and no thing. And I got mad.

So, I posted the following on my facebook status, after a quick, and one-sided, prayer to God that He help me shut my mouth. Instead, I think He anointed my fingers, because I couldn't stop.

A very good friend asked me to post this to my blog so she could share, so I have condensed my "rant" just a bit, taken out the personal replies to friends who commented. I read through this just now and I don't even know where half of this came from. It poured out of me against my will and I can't add one word to it, except the part at the end. This is my heart:

One day we are all going to be judged on what we voted for or against. Why? Because it's a loud statement on what you believe, deep down in your heart. And if you support something that God hates, you think that's going to end for you? So, yes, vote for all the equality you want...but you won't be judged on how equal minded you were...but on whether you followed HIS laws, HIS commands, HIS heart. And telling someone the truth in love IS love. Going along with something that will lead someone to hell is NOT love. And it is possible to love someone and tell them that.

You know the only time God allowed one of His chosen tribes to be almost completely wiped out? Read about it in Judges 19-21. The tribe of Benjamin lost all but about 600 men, because of homosexuality. But because of His great love, even then He had mercy & the story! That's just ONE story of how He feels about it. So yeah, it matters if you support it.

I'm so tired of non-christians telling Christians how quiet and loving we're supposed to be, and how to support sin so that we don't offend. YOU support it and look God in the face and tell Him why one day. Honestly, you cannot "decide" what to believe because it feels good, or your uncle is gay, or you want everyone to be happy & equal. If you are a Christian, it's supposed to be based on the Bible and what God says. Or why be a Christian? People are making up their own gods and religion and calling it Christianity. 

What a scary time to be on the face of this earth. I dread what is going to happen to our nation as a result of the past few years of policy that's been made against God's laws.

I am not shocked by the world. I'm shocked by other Christians. Who in the world is going to be the LIGHT in these dark times? The Christians are all falling for the same lies as the world! 
This is why we have a Holy Ghost, a Spirit of Truth, to lead & guide us. If it was so easy you could just make the decision based on the facts in front of your face, we wouldn't need a spirit of truth. But these choices are hard, they involve people we love, so we HAVE to follow truth...or you'll fall for a lie.

And if you fall for a lie, who is going to help your family and friends? You're down in a ditch with them! So for goodness sake, be strong, Christians! Know your Bible, KNOW your GOD...and stand up for truth. Yeah, you won't be popular...but when did it become more about being liked than it did about winning souls???

My kids are growing up in this world. A world that doesn't want a RIGHT way, they want all ways to be right. That sounds great but it doesn't get you to Heaven. Truth offends. And they offend me DAILY with their propaganda. You know it's not wrong to offend someone by standing for truth. That's not hate. That's love.
I'm for equal rights in that you can believe whatever you want. But just like you have a right to tell your truth, I have a right to tell THE truth.

Every time a vote goes against something that extremely affects Christians, we are touted as ignorant and close minded. Who in the world made THEM the open-minded group? And if that's the case, call me close minded. To me that means I base my morals on convictions on something besides myself and what feels good.
Which means, tomorrow, the next day, 10 years from morals are the same. Cause I didn't make them up. I didn't base them on what someone said would be the more "equal" thing to do. I've tried to base them on the Bible.

And I'll add this, which I did not put on Facebook, but it keeps coming to my mind right now:

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth..." Romans 1:16

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