Wednesday, April 22, 2009


God has a sense of humor. How do I know this? Because He gave me not one, not two, but three boys. When mom used to lock us outside and say, go play!, I was the one that sat on the porch, or under a tree, or even in the car, to read a book. I hate dirt and never went barefoot or made mud pies, never wanted to get wet or hold snakes. I am a G I R L! A girly girl. So what does God do?
Give me three boys.

And not the kind that likes to read or stay clean. No, these little monsters like dirt and mud. Lots. Of. Mud. So, all that rain we got last week? (Thank you, God!) Well, it left a little mud puddle right at our back door. (Thanks, God.) Might as well just put a big neon sign over it: Ben & Micah's Playground, aka Amy's Personal Hell Hole.

Exhibit A:

Doesn't Micah look like he is just having the time of his life? Doesn't Ben look so excited for HIS turn? What a mean mommy, to make him stop! Truth be told, I didn't immediately. First, I took pictures :) Now comes the torture & revenge part of the story...

It just so happens that Chad was off when they did this monster truck/mud ring act the first time. So guess who got to clean them up?! Yep, my momma didn't raise no dummies. Well, she actually did, I'm afraid, but I'm not one of them!

Ben thought this was going to be FUN. He was WRONG.

Micah knew it wasn't going to be good, and he was right. Now, I'm sure this looks like Chad was enjoying torturing his kids....he was. But I should tell you it lasted less than a minute, then they were herded into a warm shower. See, we learned a lesson a while back. If you put them straight into a warm shower, that equals MORE FUN. Mud bath + warm bath = The Best Day Ever for Ben & Micah. So, we had to give them a little incentive to stay out of the mud. For a week after this, if they so much as LOOKED at that stupid mud puddle, I'd yell "Who wants a cold shower with a water hose?!" And they'd take off running. Away from the mud.

Until today. About an hour ago I realized they were being very quiet. Quiet strikes terror in the heart of a mom. Especially a mom of 3 boys. This is what I found:

It appears they have been eyeing that mud hole all week and have come to a conclusion: They can play in the mud, then take off their clothes, give themselves a cold water hose bath, dry off in the sun, and no one will be the wiser. They were wrong :)

Thanks, God.


  1. Omg. Lol. The smartest kids ever! That is so awesome, and to clean themselves off!!!

  2. OMG! they are genuis kids. I love how they look so happy in the mud then ben is running to get washed off. YAH ! then Holy Crap they are screaming like they are being spanked. that is awesome. Love poor micah face. How smart to take clothes off though.. lol.

  3. OMG! This is so freakin' funny. So far, and let me get out my big ol' piece of wood to knock on, we haven't had a mud hole incident. I wasn't quite as much of a girly girl (I loved to go barefoot) I do dread the day when they discover the joys of mud!
