Monday, June 29, 2009

Blackmail and other deep thoughts...

I took these pictures of Ben & Micah playing together on the floor in my bedroom. Excuse the room, I have stuff for 2 adults & 4 kids crammed into a 15x20 (I think) bedroom.

That pile of socks in the right hand corner is a bag stuffed full of Chad's unmatched socks. He has enough socks to clothe a small country in Africa! I got so tired of having a basket of unmatched socks every time I did laundry, I stuffed that bag and threw it in the corner. It mocks me from time to time ;)

A good wife would sit & match those socks for her hardworking husband. Unfortunately, I'm rarely called a good wife :(

(Just kidding, Grandma! I do match them sometimes but that man is CRAZY with all his socks!)

Anyway, I got WAY off point. Here are what I like to call "Blackmail Shots":

Boys love flashlights. Especially Daddy's flashlight. It's just an accepted fact.

Now this is when I realized the blackmail potential:

He was blowing rasberries on Ben's belly and Ben was just cracking up, laughing. It was sooooo sweet! I'm sure 5 minutes before and after this picture, they had been hitting each other over some random toy neither one really wanted to play with.

Micah was tickling his legs, thighs. Both of them are SO ticklish. Check out Ben's face :)

The Debut of my New Hair Style
Supposed to be my natural mousy brown but with golden blonde highlights. I can't actually see the blonde highlights in any of these pics, which stinks. But according to my mirror they are there. I wanted my length left alone, with choppy layers. She talked me into jagged layers, which I am having a hard time figuring out how to style. But whatever. It's new, it's paid for, it's staying for at least 3 months ;)

Please excuse the dingy bathroom mirror. I cleaned it after seeing this pic :) Notice my extremely crooked smile? Yeah, I was about 18 when I realized my smile is lopsided. I was shocked and a little devastated, for so ended my future as a toothpaste model.

I tried to smile even bigger, but then the lop switched sides. Something I didn't even know I could do until just this second! mouth won't work right! I seriously didn't know it was crooked on both sides. BRB...have to call my therapist about this one....
PS. Those garbage bags under my eyes are totally my kids' fault. Even if they sleep through the night for a change, like last night, I still toss & turn and wake up looking like the half dead. They have me trained.

Not sure what to say about this last one:
I was working on the computer when suddenly Chad exclaimed, You are so pretty! He sounded so startled, I made him take a picture so I could see what he saw LOL. I think it's because I was in my pjs and one side of my hair was flipped over like a Donald Trump combover wannabe. He goes for that wild & crazy stuff. One day I'm gonna make him ecstatic and dye my hair purple. In a mohawk.

The kids and I will be leaving for the Mt Airy Campmeeting that my Dad & friends have going in NC. If anyone wants to know more about it, just comment me and I'll post directions or something. I really try to keep my real name off of here because my kids' pictures are posted.
Anyway, I have to get Micah's allergy shot, wash and pack up four kids & myself for 5 days in North Carolina, buy some groceries for poor hubby left behind, clean out the van, get Katie's hair cut....

My next post will be from North Carolina - NC or BUST!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Like Grandma...

I have always thought I take a lot after my Grandma Anita, my dad's mom:

We even look alike - right?

She has probably close to 50 journals hidden in her basement; I have a trunk full of journals written from the age of 13 on up to around age 21.

She has more photo albums than journals, with pictures depicting our family from before she was born, up to her most recent great-grandbabies. I just had to move over 20 gigs worth of pictures from my laptop to a portable hard drive. Plus all the albums, framed pictures....

She passed on to me that love of photography, of capturing every great moment in life, to perserve a perfect memory on film. She sees beauty in everything and everyone. I'm trying.

We both love to write. She has written a cookbook with antidotes from her life as a farmer's wife and mother of 6. I wrote plays, skits, poems, & songs from a very early age...and plan to do even more writing in the future. Oh, and I currently write a little blog ;)

She hooked me on writing at a young age, when she send me long letters detailing everything our extended family was involved in, what birds she had seen in her yard recently, and what the weather was expected to be the following week. And always about God, how much He had blessed her, and how special I was to my Grandma.

She is my hero. She raised six kids succcessfully while keeping up a farm. She has cut the head off of a chicken, drained it, plucked it, and served it for dinner that very same day. Now THAT'S a *real* woman! She also worked a job for years, on top of all that.

Then, and my favorite story about my Grandma, she went back to college when she was in her 50's. Nowadays that's not so unusual, but this was over 20 years ago. I was in AWE of her, thinking, There is NOTHING I can't do because there is nothing SHE can't do! Every now and then I still think about finishing college. I feel my own dreams have been left in the dirt while I strive to foster a new generation's dreams. Then I think, It's never too Grandma did it and so can I!

On our way home from Ohio last month, we stopped in to see Grandma. She lives half way in between our home and Chad's family, so we stop to spend the night, catch up with Grandma, and break up that 10 hour trip. Here are some pictures from that stop...of course :)

I took this as Chad drove like a bat outta Hell. We would always start whooping and hollaring as kids when we saw this sign. It meant Grandma's house was only about 20 minutes away.

I always considered this an official landmark of Indiana. Some things just make you feel like you are finally home...seeing the Polly Freeze sign does that for me.

Only 1.5 miles from Grandma's house...

Can you tell we are related? That is my Dad and Aunt Becky. They are Grandma's two oldest children. Aren't these pretty glamourous senior pictures? They were hotties! This is how I have such pretty babies ;)

One of the woodpeckers that lives in Gma's back yard:
Apparently there is a large woodpecker that only eats grubs & worms and he was my Grandfather's favorite one to watch with his binoculars. He'd always say, Now, Anita, that bird will never come eat your birdseed on the back porch. They just don't do that! Sure enough, he was right. Then, two days after he died, the woodpecker flew up to Gma's bird seed and went to eating. Since then she has had babies and THEIR babies eat her birdseed as well. She told me she always felt like that was the Holy Spirit. At first I thought she meant, that bird was the Holy Spirit. As in, the Holy Spirit is living in her yard and eating birdseed on her back porch. And, who am I to argue? I grew up hearing her testify in church about how her first boyfriend was Jesus. So, having the Holy Ghost in the form of a bird, eating birdseed on her back porch, wasn't much of a stretch for my imagination!
It wasn't until I was older that I realized what she meant about her first boyfriend: She got saved around the age of 15 and fell in love with Jesus. He was her "first love". My grandfather was her second love, at age 18.
Anyway, a little while later she did go on with the woodpecker story and tell me that she felt like the Holy Spirit had sent her that woodpecker as a little sign from her dead husband that he was okay and God was watching out for her.

~ Me & Grandma ~
We both like to give hugs. Lots of long, hard hugs. She was squeezing me to death there! But I was squeezing her right back.

I love you, Grandma!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The day Ethan became a Man

I was browsing through my pictures from our trip to Ohio last month and found a ton that I had forgotten to add and blog about. I had so many funny stories to tell you guys and the pics jogged my sluggish memory. Here's one of my favorites :D

Isn't he a cutie?!

Chad's dad, Walt, decided it was time to get Ethan his first BB gun. For the past couple of years Chad has tried to persuade me that Ethan needed a BB gun for Christmas, but I would hem haw around (yes, that's a southern phrase right there!) and distract him with shiny race cars or Star Wars stuff so he'd forget the gun idea. I didn't grow up around guns, even BB guns , so the idea of my sweet, innocent, uncoordinated little boy holding a gun was just hard to handle.

Chad, on the other hand, grew up with guns...lots of guns. They hunted and fished for food and sport. I think he was about Ethan's age, 8, when he received his first gun. It was a huge source of pride and in fact, I think he still has the gun. So, this was one of those passing of traditions, I-did-it-so-my-son-will-too things. And he knows how I love those father/son traditions - gets me right in the center of my sentimental, bleeding heart :)

So I agreed he could have a BB gun as long as it stays in *our* possession at all times, except when his dad or granddad are helping him shoot at targets. Besides, my father in law is one of the most overly protective, safety-conscience people I know. It used to annoy me, until I had kids of my own.

(Water bottle in case we get lost, check. Flashlight in case it gets dark, check. Camo jackets to make sure the deer don't see us coming, check. Map? Uhhhh....)

Anyway...Chad & Walt came up with this brilliant idea the first day Ethan had his gun: Walt would take him deep into the woods behind his house (he owns 3 acres) to hunt a deer. Then Chad would sneak through the woods to where they were, then stomp around and use a deer call to make Ethan think he was close to a deer. Then, and I'm a little fuzzy on this next part as it never did make much sense to me, he would take a pair of real deer antlers and either hang them on a tree or hold them out from behind a tree, supposedly to make Ethan think he was seeing a deer and let him "shoot" a real deer.

Now, I'm just a girl, but does this sound like a good idea to anyone else?

I mean, call me crazy, but doesn't that sound like a sure fire way to get hit in the head/eye/body with a BB?!?

Well, don't worry, that's not what happened. Instead, my severely directionally challenged husband got a little "lost", never did find Walt or Ethan, got hit with a sever thunderstorm, and they all came trudging home without hearing or seeing a deer...or anything pretending to be a deer.

The good news is, Ethan was clueless to the original plan so he was just on cloud nine to have carried his own BB gun through the woods to look for deer. And squirrels. And birds.

The "Smith" Men

They are goofier than I don't know what!

So, end of story, I have a BB gun hid in my room, and my son thinks he's a man. So does my husband, until I remind him of how he got lost in his own backyard :D

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"A" Game

I finally got around to looking at the pictures and videos from Father's Day, laughing out loud as I listened to me and my sisters jockey for 1st prize in the present department. What can I say...sibling rivalry dies hard!

I'm trying to find a fast & easy way to upload and embed videos in my blog, so if anyone has a suggestion, let me know! I hate to put it on youtube for the world to see, but I'm not above doing it :)

Dad is extremely hard to buy for because, frankly, he doesn't want or need much. His focus is God, everything else comes second. He doesn't read anything except the Bible and current news events (online), doesn't wear anything but suits most of the time, we wore out the tie department...the list goes on! So when we find a new category to abuse for his birthday, Father's Day, or Christmas, we hit it fast & hard.

This year's theme has been: The Camper. They practically live in their RV all summer long, going from tent meeting to camp meeting, so we got excited, thinking we could really bedazzle that thing up! But, um, no. Dad does NOT want any extra weight to pull whatsoever, except the necessities, so back to square one. Until Mom came in my room last week.

It seems Dad had been looking through his Camper World magazine and found some things the camper needed. Namely, sewage hose. And sewage hose supports. YAY! Yes, I bought my dad a sewage hose kit for Father's Day (Beth bought him the supports). Funny thing is, I think I actually got FDA (Favorite Daughter Award) with that one (and my little surprise present), those Louise will beg to differ on her blog, I'm sure. That's okay, she's just jealous!

Here are the pictures to prove I came in 1st this year:
Jessica thinks a shiny bag and some cheap tissue paper will win her the prize...she is WRONG.

Dad & Ben bond over sewage kit from Fave Daughter, Amy

I have a special present up my sleeve: GRANDBABY. Wins every time.
*Note to Beth & Jessica, have babies before next June.

Obviously, Dad is trying to figure out why in the world crazy Louise got him a book. She must think he isn't very smart, so wants him to read up. No doubt he is plotting her Christmas present as retaliation. *Note to Dad: two words - Toilet. Paper.

Louise's nervous "OMG I'm Losing!" smile

See? Best Present EVER. I win. Hands down. Favorite Daughter of the Year AND #1 Present of Father's Day. I rock. Obviously.

See Last Place Jessica's Loser Sad Face

See Clueless Casey's Blank "Whaaaaaaaat?" Face

Me posing with Dad for FDY Award & #1 Gift Award Photo:

Obviously Beth thought it would be funny to distract him at last second so as to ruin my moment. She will get hers. Taking Ben to swim in her pool. Without swim diaper on. :)
#1 Father's Day Present 2009 Contest Winner: ME.

Bring your "A" Game next year, sistahs!
PS. Katie just read part of this post and said very dryly, "Since when are YOU favorite daughter?!"

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Birthdays and more...

It has been such a hectic week, so I haven't been on the computer as much as I'd like. First, Chad's 31st birthday this past Monday, then Ethan's 8th birthday on Thursday, his & Conner's birthday party yesterday, plus Katie & Ethan went to Vacation Bible School all week long, and now Father's Day. I am SO broke right now!

Some of my best memories were the birthday parties I had each year. Mom didn't spend a lot on presents, but she did go all out on a cake, order pizza, and sometimes got crazy with her Paint program and a printer. I remember many a birthday coming home to birthday banners all over the house, streamers everywhere. Plus, she always allowed me to invite 5-8 friends for a sleep over. Add in the other 7 or 8 kids living at home and it was a house full! We'd rent movies, eat pizza, and stay up all night laughing and talking about was the best of times!

Now, having my own four, I wonder how in the world she did it. The money, the stress of 10 teenagers in the house (me & Beth plus 8 friends, usually)'s a wonder she is so sane!

I realized this week just how much Ethan is like his dad and how much Katie & I are alike. Chad could care less about birthdays, especially parties , and apparently Ethan feels the same way. He has been so laid back about it all that I really think I could have gotten away with no party, just taking him & his friends to swim, then eat brownies for cake, (which is what we did on his actual bday Thursday) and he'd have been happy. Live & learn!

Unfortunately, Katie is just like her momma and already planning her big birthday bash, including a sleepover of God know how many squealing girls. My head hurts already!

So, here are some pictures from Ethan's birthday and Conner & Ethan's joint birthday party:

When asked what he wanted for his birthday dinner & cake, Ethan chose french toast and brownies. That's my boy!

June 18

Mom says he looks just like me. I see more of my brothers Aaron & Neal in him. They look like Mom, I look like Dad.

He was being a goober & needed some loosening up...and I'm just the girl for that job!

After eating french toast & brownies, off to VBS with friends Violet & Robbie.

Saturday's birthday party at a local elementary school:

June 20

It was about 95 degrees outside when we started the party, at 5pm

Popsicles were a great idea on such a hot day.

I love that all of my family shows up for birthday parties, even for the babies. Only ones missing were Casey & Neal...that's 7 out of 9 kids present!

Michele says we "Smiths" smile with ALL our teeth. I didn't know there was any other way, but we do have some big grins, don't we!

I told you it was going on the blog, girls! Right after this, Louise probably came over & told us to socialize with someone else besides Michele. As if!

She really was happy to be there, I just caught her off guard :)

See all those curious, envious faces? They were ready to help with opening gifts at a moment's notice!

Today is Father's Day, so a special shout out to my dad, my babies' daddy, and all the great dads out there. I've said it before, there is nothing sexier than a dad with his kids, playing with them, holding on to their little hand, giving them a piggy back ride, throwing a football to his always melts my heart!

June 21

Happy Father's Day!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Journey of a Dalhia

A couple of weeks ago I went to check on my 3 veggie plants in mom's flower garden, and found this little cutie:

June 1st

I was SO excited because I thought I had a sunflower about to bloom. I *love* sunflowers. For two weeks I took pictures every few days to catch my sunflower opening up...

June 10

The picture above was taken right after a light rain. At this point I still thought I was going to get my beautiful sunflower. I came out the next day to find my poor little bloom all bent over, so burdened under the weight of her own petals.

June 12

So I found some string and tied it up to the tree next to it. Sometimes we all need a little help from our friends...right?

The next day, this is what I found...

June 13

NOT a sunflower! It is, in fact, a yellow Dalhia. I love that name!

And here it is, full bloom. I had a hard time getting a shot without glare, so I'll keep trying. But, check her out!

June 14
So beautiful, and exactly as God made her - not a sunflower ;) And you can't hardly see the string that is supporting her (Yes, it's a female. Male birds get all the glory so I'm making my beauties GIRLS). Oh, and check out her sister! She's getting a roomie! I'll soon have *two* yellow dalhias. Yay!

I could do a little soapbox sermonette right about now on how we are all a lot like my little Dalhia, going through growth spurts, sometimes stalling for what seems to be forever, but in reality is only 10 days....then we struggle, try to do it on our own, finally have to admit we are dragging the ground in defeat before we allow God to pick us up, put us back where we belong, sheltered under HIS wing, leaning on our Creator for support...until our time to shine arrives and we bloom exactly where God planted us, at just the right time...HIS time. But I won't, cause you know me - I don't like to sound too preachy ;)

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The birthday...part 2

After I posted about Chad's birthday yesterday, mom sauntered into the kitchen and said, "I think we need to set off fireworks tonight in honor of Chad's birthday!" I was all like, "Um, what about MY birthday?!" But everyone else in the room was high fiving and yelling like banshees, so I was out voted. Personally, I think it just gives him a big head. But, whatever :)

He did walk around the house telling everyone he was Sally's favorite. The house was full of Sally's kids, but that didn't discourage him. And sadly, we all knew better than to argue.

So, mom sprung for some fireworks and this is what we did last night:

Isn't this beautiful? Found out my camera's fireworks setting works pretty well!

Take a good look at Louise's face in every picture...

She's such a dork, right?! LOL glad it's not contageous or anything...

It was almost pitch black in most of these pictures, which is why they are so grainy. Plus, all the smoke.

Dad is a worry wort so most of our firework shows tend to get a little stressful. But last night he was the most relaxed I've seen him...around fire.

Conner slipped down the slope and I got this great pic of his "Smith" pout :) Jessica hit me for taking his pic instead of picking him up. But his momma did the same thing ;)

Love this one of Chad leaning back & laughing hysterically at Bandit, who chased every single firecracker like the idiot dog he is...

Oh, and this is one I took right after we sang Happy Birthday to him yet again, earlier in the evening LOL