Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"A" Game

I finally got around to looking at the pictures and videos from Father's Day, laughing out loud as I listened to me and my sisters jockey for 1st prize in the present department. What can I say...sibling rivalry dies hard!

I'm trying to find a fast & easy way to upload and embed videos in my blog, so if anyone has a suggestion, let me know! I hate to put it on youtube for the world to see, but I'm not above doing it :)

Dad is extremely hard to buy for because, frankly, he doesn't want or need much. His focus is God, everything else comes second. He doesn't read anything except the Bible and current news events (online), doesn't wear anything but suits most of the time, we wore out the tie department...the list goes on! So when we find a new category to abuse for his birthday, Father's Day, or Christmas, we hit it fast & hard.

This year's theme has been: The Camper. They practically live in their RV all summer long, going from tent meeting to camp meeting, so we got excited, thinking we could really bedazzle that thing up! But, um, no. Dad does NOT want any extra weight to pull whatsoever, except the necessities, so back to square one. Until Mom came in my room last week.

It seems Dad had been looking through his Camper World magazine and found some things the camper needed. Namely, sewage hose. And sewage hose supports. YAY! Yes, I bought my dad a sewage hose kit for Father's Day (Beth bought him the supports). Funny thing is, I think I actually got FDA (Favorite Daughter Award) with that one (and my little surprise present), those Louise will beg to differ on her blog, I'm sure. That's okay, she's just jealous!

Here are the pictures to prove I came in 1st this year:
Jessica thinks a shiny bag and some cheap tissue paper will win her the prize...she is WRONG.

Dad & Ben bond over sewage kit from Fave Daughter, Amy

I have a special present up my sleeve: GRANDBABY. Wins every time.
*Note to Beth & Jessica, have babies before next June.

Obviously, Dad is trying to figure out why in the world crazy Louise got him a book. She must think he isn't very smart, so wants him to read up. No doubt he is plotting her Christmas present as retaliation. *Note to Dad: two words - Toilet. Paper.

Louise's nervous "OMG I'm Losing!" smile

See? Best Present EVER. I win. Hands down. Favorite Daughter of the Year AND #1 Present of Father's Day. I rock. Obviously.

See Last Place Jessica's Loser Sad Face

See Clueless Casey's Blank "Whaaaaaaaat?" Face

Me posing with Dad for FDY Award & #1 Gift Award Photo:

Obviously Beth thought it would be funny to distract him at last second so as to ruin my moment. She will get hers. Taking Ben to swim in her pool. Without swim diaper on. :)
#1 Father's Day Present 2009 Contest Winner: ME.

Bring your "A" Game next year, sistahs!
PS. Katie just read part of this post and said very dryly, "Since when are YOU favorite daughter?!"

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Look at Louise's pic! How funny! Y'all make a great bunch of sisters!
