Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Journey of a Dalhia

A couple of weeks ago I went to check on my 3 veggie plants in mom's flower garden, and found this little cutie:

June 1st

I was SO excited because I thought I had a sunflower about to bloom. I *love* sunflowers. For two weeks I took pictures every few days to catch my sunflower opening up...

June 10

The picture above was taken right after a light rain. At this point I still thought I was going to get my beautiful sunflower. I came out the next day to find my poor little bloom all bent over, so burdened under the weight of her own petals.

June 12

So I found some string and tied it up to the tree next to it. Sometimes we all need a little help from our friends...right?

The next day, this is what I found...

June 13

NOT a sunflower! It is, in fact, a yellow Dalhia. I love that name!

And here it is, full bloom. I had a hard time getting a shot without glare, so I'll keep trying. But, check her out!

June 14
So beautiful, and exactly as God made her - not a sunflower ;) And you can't hardly see the string that is supporting her (Yes, it's a female. Male birds get all the glory so I'm making my beauties GIRLS). Oh, and check out her sister! She's getting a roomie! I'll soon have *two* yellow dalhias. Yay!

I could do a little soapbox sermonette right about now on how we are all a lot like my little Dalhia, going through growth spurts, sometimes stalling for what seems to be forever, but in reality is only 10 days....then we struggle, try to do it on our own, finally have to admit we are dragging the ground in defeat before we allow God to pick us up, put us back where we belong, sheltered under HIS wing, leaning on our Creator for support...until our time to shine arrives and we bloom exactly where God planted us, at just the right time...HIS time. But I won't, cause you know me - I don't like to sound too preachy ;)

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Amy! This is awesome and you're little girl is just beautiful!

  2. First of all, YELLOW not white. That is the color of your flower. Second, I totally agree that it's not fair that the boy birds are the prettiest.Love the pics.
