Happy Sunday afternoon!
I just finished cleaning both living rooms and kitchen, folded a load of laundry and put it all way, then cleaned the kitchen all over again after the kids played with Play Doh. Toward the end I kept thinking, what happened to that day of rest?! Seriously!
I don't have anything cool or interesting to share. As Sis. Faye says, the light is just not on tonight (pointing to her head). My elevator isn't going all the way to the top today ;)
I should mention that Chad & I did not go see those houses Friday like we planned. He finally succombed to the head cold the rest of us have, plus is rained most of the day, so we rescheduled for Tuesday. It's do or die that day, since it's the last day he can go till his next two days off, almost 10 days away.
On a sad note, Chad drove by our "dream" home and there was someone there mowing the grass. I say they are just getting it good and ready for us to move in, but apparently there is also a Pod outside. Looks they someone is good and ready to move in, just not us. Yet.
I did call Friday and they said the contract is still just pending. It was supposed to close this past week but it keeps getting drawn out. Whether it's God or just the nature of buying a home, I truly do not know. But I won't accept it's time to move on until I feel a release, and so far it's just not there. I'm trying to keep my options open, keep looking around, but it's tough right now.
You know, alot of times, faith looks stupid. I'm just putting that out there. True faith will make your friends & family really question your sanity. But...that's probably a good sign you're doing something right.
So, just please pray for me this week. My husband is struggling, my kids are discouraged, and it takes its toll on me. Whatever happens, I'm just ready for SOMETHING to happen.
Anyway, crank up the computer speakers and praise God to along with some of my favorite songs on my playlist. Go to church somewhere tonight!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
To pick or not to pick...
I found this in my garden last week:
My first banana pepper!
But does anyone know how to tell when they are ripe for picking? Oh, funny story...
So, my little tomatoes finally turned yellowish, so I asked mom when to pick them. She said, when they turn red (in her DUH voice). So, I waited. And waited. They finally turned orange, then split open, then turned purple...and that's when mom told me I had planted yellow tomatoes, so I could pick them when they are yellow! For a short time, though, I had some gorgeous tomatoes:
The middle green one is still hanging. I'm determined to get one, good ripe tomato from that plant. Here's what the cucumber vine is up to now. It begins on the far left and has snaked down and then up, all the way the yellow bloom on the right of the picture. Isn't that amazing?!
I did not get the phone book delivery gig. Apparently the branch planet did not communicate with the home planet and there were several misplaced aliens walking around.
I have no idea where the alien lingo came from LOL. I'm very weary right now. Mind, body, but not soul.
Anyway, the spots were all filled but no one bothered to tell that to the main office. Make more sense now?
In other news, Micah cried again this morning at school when I told him I couldn't stay with him and he couldn't go home. The entire time I kept thinking, but why can't he? If he isn't receiving speech therapy....
But as Beth pointed out, they will eventually have a therapist there but if he misses more than 3 or 5 days of school without being sick, they remove him from Preschool and put someone else in from their waiting list. So, I can't just let him stay home because he wants to snuggle with mommy. Ugh...now my heart hurts again.
Okay, so I'm taking Chad to look at the top three house choices tomorrow, along with Carolyn, the RE agent. For those keeping tract, that is the house with blue walls inside, the one for $49,000, and the one with the to-die-for kitchen. Carolyn emailed me night we saw that one and said the owners are willing to come down, bring an offer. Um, but are they willing to drop $10,000 at least?
What about Lee? Well, the one-I-would-give-it-all-up-for was supposed to close today. However, that doesn't mean it's out of the running for me just yet. I know most would think I'm crazy, but seriously....God loves to do those last minute miracles. For example:
- 3 Hebrew boys,,.He doesn't save them BEFORE the fire, but IN the fire.
- Daniel and some pesky lions...He could have kept Daniel from the lions' den, but instead, He showed off a little bit and just tamed the carnivores. Made them vegans for a day ;)
- Israelites at the Red Sea...He let them get to the point of no return first, then He parted a sea.
I think God waits until there literally is no other way out, no way any man can make something happen, then He moves. Why? Because He doesn't like for some man to get the glory, any more than you would want your kids to brag on the neighbors for providing for them. (Thanks, Dad!) Plus, what a faith builder! When you finally get it into your head that there is NOTHING your God can't do...nothing can defeat you again!
Anyway, my point is, it's not over until God says it's over and He hasn't put that in my heart yet. I have a couple of different reasons that I feel that may still be the house for us. And, if I'm wrong, so be it. But, like some Hebrew boys I remember reading about, I may not know what God will do, but I certainly know what He can do.
I have no idea where the alien lingo came from LOL. I'm very weary right now. Mind, body, but not soul.
Anyway, the spots were all filled but no one bothered to tell that to the main office. Make more sense now?
In other news, Micah cried again this morning at school when I told him I couldn't stay with him and he couldn't go home. The entire time I kept thinking, but why can't he? If he isn't receiving speech therapy....
But as Beth pointed out, they will eventually have a therapist there but if he misses more than 3 or 5 days of school without being sick, they remove him from Preschool and put someone else in from their waiting list. So, I can't just let him stay home because he wants to snuggle with mommy. Ugh...now my heart hurts again.
Okay, so I'm taking Chad to look at the top three house choices tomorrow, along with Carolyn, the RE agent. For those keeping tract, that is the house with blue walls inside, the one for $49,000, and the one with the to-die-for kitchen. Carolyn emailed me night we saw that one and said the owners are willing to come down, bring an offer. Um, but are they willing to drop $10,000 at least?
What about Lee? Well, the one-I-would-give-it-all-up-for was supposed to close today. However, that doesn't mean it's out of the running for me just yet. I know most would think I'm crazy, but seriously....God loves to do those last minute miracles. For example:
- 3 Hebrew boys,,.He doesn't save them BEFORE the fire, but IN the fire.
- Daniel and some pesky lions...He could have kept Daniel from the lions' den, but instead, He showed off a little bit and just tamed the carnivores. Made them vegans for a day ;)
- Israelites at the Red Sea...He let them get to the point of no return first, then He parted a sea.
I think God waits until there literally is no other way out, no way any man can make something happen, then He moves. Why? Because He doesn't like for some man to get the glory, any more than you would want your kids to brag on the neighbors for providing for them. (Thanks, Dad!) Plus, what a faith builder! When you finally get it into your head that there is NOTHING your God can't do...nothing can defeat you again!
Anyway, my point is, it's not over until God says it's over and He hasn't put that in my heart yet. I have a couple of different reasons that I feel that may still be the house for us. And, if I'm wrong, so be it. But, like some Hebrew boys I remember reading about, I may not know what God will do, but I certainly know what He can do.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Guess what!
I'm headed to orientation to be a AT&T phone book deliverer! Orientation should last 20 minutes, the lady said, which basically means a monkey with a tricycle could do this job. Guess that's me :)
I'm curious on how it pays - that's always the LAST thing they tell you. I will get paid by the bundle, so if you find a couple of bundles on your door step, I'm sorry...but I need the money!
Oh, and today Micah cried for the first time as I left him in the hands of complete strangers, legally. Otherwise known as Preschool. Whatever. I made myself leave before they could ask me to leave. I think he was just tired this morning. Plus, he kept telling me his leg was "bwoken". That's his new answer for everything: Why did you hit your brother? My weg is bwoken!"
My entire reason for putting him in school was for him to get Speech Therapy. He really, REALLY needs it and preferrably before they start grading everything he does. So, found out last week, they don't have a speech therapist yet. This is good and bad. The therapist last year was a zombie apparently, because Ethan didn't learn a single new sound. So, good riddance to her! But sure wish they had hired someone before the future quarterback of the Colts joined Preschool!
Hubby will like that one. I almost said Browns, but I'm a wait & see fan this year. Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me three years in a roll, shame on me. Lose 20 years straight, shame on Chad!
So, wish me luck in my dummy job. At least I will get to do a lot of peeping in windows. We all know how much I love me some window peeping!
God bless :)
I'm curious on how it pays - that's always the LAST thing they tell you. I will get paid by the bundle, so if you find a couple of bundles on your door step, I'm sorry...but I need the money!
Oh, and today Micah cried for the first time as I left him in the hands of complete strangers, legally. Otherwise known as Preschool. Whatever. I made myself leave before they could ask me to leave. I think he was just tired this morning. Plus, he kept telling me his leg was "bwoken". That's his new answer for everything: Why did you hit your brother? My weg is bwoken!"
My entire reason for putting him in school was for him to get Speech Therapy. He really, REALLY needs it and preferrably before they start grading everything he does. So, found out last week, they don't have a speech therapist yet. This is good and bad. The therapist last year was a zombie apparently, because Ethan didn't learn a single new sound. So, good riddance to her! But sure wish they had hired someone before the future quarterback of the Colts joined Preschool!
Hubby will like that one. I almost said Browns, but I'm a wait & see fan this year. Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me three years in a roll, shame on me. Lose 20 years straight, shame on Chad!
So, wish me luck in my dummy job. At least I will get to do a lot of peeping in windows. We all know how much I love me some window peeping!
God bless :)
Monday, August 24, 2009
A friend (hey, Sissy!) sent me this link today and I want to share it. I'm also adding it as my numero uno song on the blog playlist, so turn up your computer speakers. It's one of the most worshipful songs I've ever heard. When I listen to this song, I can seriously imagine for a second just what it might be like one day when we are all gathered around His throne, worshipping and praising the Saviour. What a day that will be!!!!!
The girl singing is Kari Jobe (like Job, the book in the Old Testament), leading the Christ for the Nations Choir. Here's a link to an interview she did several years ago, I think. She really impressed me with her obvious love of God and desire to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. After all those hoochie female singers out there using their talents to, well, worship something other than God, aren't you glad to finally find someone actually doing something positive and God inspired with their voice?
I dare you to let it play as you clean, fold clothes, or read your Bible today (Jacklyn!). See if it doesn't surround you with the presence of God!
A friend (hey, Sissy!) sent me this link today and I want to share it. I'm also adding it as my numero uno song on the blog playlist, so turn up your computer speakers. It's one of the most worshipful songs I've ever heard. When I listen to this song, I can seriously imagine for a second just what it might be like one day when we are all gathered around His throne, worshipping and praising the Saviour. What a day that will be!!!!!
The girl singing is Kari Jobe (like Job, the book in the Old Testament), leading the Christ for the Nations Choir. Here's a link to an interview she did several years ago, I think. She really impressed me with her obvious love of God and desire to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. After all those hoochie female singers out there using their talents to, well, worship something other than God, aren't you glad to finally find someone actually doing something positive and God inspired with their voice?
I dare you to let it play as you clean, fold clothes, or read your Bible today (Jacklyn!). See if it doesn't surround you with the presence of God!
The ONE I would give it all up for in a heartbeat....
pending a decent appraisal and home inspection, of course. I wasn't born yesterday!
View from the front, left:
Back porch - small door is into laundry room, then kitchen
View from back porch, closest neighbor - love it!
Seriously, I've decided to pray that God allow the people that had a bid accepted already to find something else. Heck, let them win the lottery and move to Tahiti, for all I care!
We have not because we ask not. I'm not a name it and claim it kind of girl, but I do believe in making my request known unto God. I will accept His answer, even if it's a NO WAY, but at least I'll know I tried, and the rest is up to Him.
We have not because we ask not. I'm not a name it and claim it kind of girl, but I do believe in making my request known unto God. I will accept His answer, even if it's a NO WAY, but at least I'll know I tried, and the rest is up to Him.
Pray with me, please? I would really love to be in the country, on a safe, dead end road, with horses & cows for neighbors, and 2.4 acres of land for my kids to roam. And while we're at it, a drop in price would be wonderful.
My God is able!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sunday Sermon
I am still following my Read the Bible Through in 2-3 Years Plan and I am happy to say I finished the book of Numbers and started into Deuteronomy yesterday. Micah was sick and wanted me to lay with him on the bed for about 4-5 hours straight. There's not much you can do then but read or watch tv. I don't have a tv in my bedroom, so I caught up on some Bible reading. Not the whole 4 or 5 hours, of course, but I finally got Moses and the children of Israel closer to the Promised Land. It even feels like forty years of reading by the time they finally get there!
Anyway, my Bible has an awesome Truth in Action section at the end of each book, summarizing the truths taught in the book and how you can practically apply them in your life. I love to hear other people's thoughts on Scripture, even if I don't always agree, don't you?
So one of the Truths taught in Numbers, according to the scholars that wrote the notes in my Bible, is this:
"Numbers underlines that God's people are to be contented with God's provision. Discontent reveals a lack of faith in God. He knows what we need and will meet that need in His perfect time. Faith is willing to wait for that time and rest in His present provision."
The first time I read that, I thought, "WOW!" and then, "Ouch!"
You remember when you were a kid and all year long you'd plan and dream about your next birthday. Then, it's be the Big Day and you'd be so excited about turning a year older. But, immediately, you'd start talking about your next birthday, and how you can't wait to turn that next number, dreaming and planning how much more fun that birthday would be. You never seemed to just enjoy the age you were at right then. Always looking ahead anxiously, instead of living in the moment.
That's what this truth made me think of. Always wanting the next big thing, the next new car, bigger house, better job...and never truly content in the moment where you are. Um, ouch.
I keep getting reminded of this in my own life, so apparently it's a lesson I'm supposed to be learning, and a test I keep failing with all of my grumbling and complaining. No, my situation is not ideal, but it is where God has placed me for this moment in time. He has provided for all of my needs, and I'm supposed to be content with that. I don't believe that means stop with the job & house hunting, but to do so with an attitude that in God's perfect time and in His perfect way, it will happen.
And I totally agree with the rest...it is a LACK of faith to be discontent. It's like telling God, "Your current provisions aren't good enough, Lord! I want/need MORE than what You are giving me!" What would you say if your kids told you that on a daily basis? I'd laugh my head off, then take everything but the bare essentials away from them, until they can appreciate even the basics. Yikes!
Don't you hate to be around a child that is always complaining about what they want or what they need, when you can tell they already have everything and more? They're spoiled!
OMG, I think I'm a spoiled brat! Ugh. I can't stand a spoiled brat. Apparently, neither can God, cause I think He's trying to talk to me about it :)
So, here are the Actions they say for us to take, to apply the principles to our own lives:
Accept where God has placed you in His body. Rest in the fact He has placed you just where He wants you. (Numbers 2:1-34 & 1 Corinthians 12:18)
Do not complain because of hardships. God designs them to train us for maturity. (As Dad said this morning, usually the things you are kicking & fighting against the most are the things God has sent your way to push you to the next place you are supposed to be.) (Numbers 11:1)
Rejoice! Know that the Lord is your inheritance because He has given you His Son and eternal life. (Numbers 18:20)
Hard to argue with that, right?
So, that's my little sermonette for today. It may only be for me, but somehow, I doubt that ;)
Rest in the Lord today!
Anyway, my Bible has an awesome Truth in Action section at the end of each book, summarizing the truths taught in the book and how you can practically apply them in your life. I love to hear other people's thoughts on Scripture, even if I don't always agree, don't you?
So one of the Truths taught in Numbers, according to the scholars that wrote the notes in my Bible, is this:
"Numbers underlines that God's people are to be contented with God's provision. Discontent reveals a lack of faith in God. He knows what we need and will meet that need in His perfect time. Faith is willing to wait for that time and rest in His present provision."
The first time I read that, I thought, "WOW!" and then, "Ouch!"
You remember when you were a kid and all year long you'd plan and dream about your next birthday. Then, it's be the Big Day and you'd be so excited about turning a year older. But, immediately, you'd start talking about your next birthday, and how you can't wait to turn that next number, dreaming and planning how much more fun that birthday would be. You never seemed to just enjoy the age you were at right then. Always looking ahead anxiously, instead of living in the moment.
That's what this truth made me think of. Always wanting the next big thing, the next new car, bigger house, better job...and never truly content in the moment where you are. Um, ouch.
I keep getting reminded of this in my own life, so apparently it's a lesson I'm supposed to be learning, and a test I keep failing with all of my grumbling and complaining. No, my situation is not ideal, but it is where God has placed me for this moment in time. He has provided for all of my needs, and I'm supposed to be content with that. I don't believe that means stop with the job & house hunting, but to do so with an attitude that in God's perfect time and in His perfect way, it will happen.
And I totally agree with the rest...it is a LACK of faith to be discontent. It's like telling God, "Your current provisions aren't good enough, Lord! I want/need MORE than what You are giving me!" What would you say if your kids told you that on a daily basis? I'd laugh my head off, then take everything but the bare essentials away from them, until they can appreciate even the basics. Yikes!
Don't you hate to be around a child that is always complaining about what they want or what they need, when you can tell they already have everything and more? They're spoiled!
OMG, I think I'm a spoiled brat! Ugh. I can't stand a spoiled brat. Apparently, neither can God, cause I think He's trying to talk to me about it :)
So, here are the Actions they say for us to take, to apply the principles to our own lives:
Accept where God has placed you in His body. Rest in the fact He has placed you just where He wants you. (Numbers 2:1-34 & 1 Corinthians 12:18)
Do not complain because of hardships. God designs them to train us for maturity. (As Dad said this morning, usually the things you are kicking & fighting against the most are the things God has sent your way to push you to the next place you are supposed to be.) (Numbers 11:1)
Rejoice! Know that the Lord is your inheritance because He has given you His Son and eternal life. (Numbers 18:20)
Hard to argue with that, right?
So, that's my little sermonette for today. It may only be for me, but somehow, I doubt that ;)
Rest in the Lord today!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
I heart my new playlist default song, Stoppin' the Love, by KT Tunstall (scroll to very bottom). She's the one that sings "Black Horse and a Cherry Tree." I'm still waiting on someone to explain what that one means.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Today was The Big Day. The day Beth & I (and Ben) toured my top 6 or 7 house choices with a real estate agent. It was great to finally get a look inside the houses I've driven by at least 2 or 3 times in the past month.
I have put this off because A.) I hate dealing with a pushy, opinionated, or uninformed real estate agent. Fortunately, Carolyn wasn't any of those and we got along famously. I was a little apphrehensive when I saw that she was older (in her 60's), but she kept up with me & Beth like a spring chicken ;)
B.) I know it's supposed to be fun, but seems like when it's MY money on the line, fun flies out the window. I dunno.
But on the other hand, touring houses satisfies that deep voyeuristic part of me that has existed since we were kids, driving from state to state with Dad, playing "That' MY house!" I would always get so excited when someone left their curtains open, so I could see the inside of the house...how they decorated, the layout, what they were watching on tv....you're a little bit creeped out right now, huh.
But it went great. Carolyn, my new BFF, didn't think we'd be able to see all 7 houses in one day without our heads exploding, but I was pretty confident we'd be okay, as long as she could keep up. We actually covered all 7 in 5 hours exactly. Prolly would have taken even less time if she had known her speedometer has 60 mph and above on it for a reason...but that's another story.
So, here are the 7 houses we looked at and the reasons I kept or eliminated them from the list. I'm counting down from my least favorite to most liked:
I know some of you are saying, but you can fix ugly! But The Experiment in Incredibly Bad Taste was also the smallest (900+ sq ft), and had no tub in the one bathroom. WHAT??? Where would I talk myself out of running away while eating Ghiradelli chocolate and reading trashy romance novels?! (JK, Mom)
Plus, and I should mention this now, I am willing to do cosmetic repairs but I have to draw the line at a full on makeover or reconstruction. Chad has no home repair skills or tendencies, and I have all of the desire and none of the drive. I love a great makeover story...in theory. For someone else. But I've seen too many people live 10 years in a construction zone - NO THANK YOU! My favorite phrase yesterday was "move in ready!"
Anyway, this house also boasted of something even Carolyn had never seen in her 100 years as an RE agent:
Anyway, so that one is off the list for, among other things, no bath tub, no space, and just plain bad taste. Also a less than stellar, or even safe, neighborhood, but who's counting reasons at this point.
This next one was quite a disappointment. I was already half in love with it due to the 2.8 acres &1925 sq ft of house, but there was reason they didn't post pictures of the inside - Layout From Hell. Ever been in a house where you have to go from one end to the other any time you need something? This house just made NO sense. A 1998 doublewide/permanent foundation and they are asking $75,000. It is the farthest away from Chad's job, meaning at least a 30 minute drive one way, but he is willing, if the land & price are right.
By the way, I keep saying "house" but technically, all but 2 of the 7 were double wide trailers, or manufactured homes, as they prefer to be called ;)
After that, it just went downhill...literally. All 2.8 acres on the side of a mountain, meaning no swing set, no trampoline, no garden. Carolyn referred to it nicely as "unusable land." In fact, about the only thing that land was good for growing was creepy crawly things...and possibly bears. Again, no thank you!
You know, as I look through the pictures of this one, I do like so many things about the house. But when I was actually in it, there was just something off. I don't know. I may want to check this one out again. It would definitely need some cosmetic stuff done to it. For one thing, why do you want carpet in the bathroom? That's just unsanitary and so nasty to me. Then, why put the fireplace in the same room as the kitchen? Usually the last thing you want to do after slaving over a hot stove is fire up the fireplace!
The back yard from Hell:
Most of the land is just like this:

Now that I look at the pictures I took on the side of the hill, it could be cleared out enough for the kids to have a clubhouse. Plus, Chad would love to make all kinds of four wheeler trails up there. It just wasn't what I wanted. So, not totally off the list just yet (sorry, Beth!).
My favorite picture of the day:
Okay, this next one is the least expensive. It's a repo'd HUD 2003 double wide (they were all on permanent foundations btw), for $49,000. Yes, I know that is a great deal. But did I mention I'm not a fixer-upper kind of gal? But, the things I'll do to save a buck...or 30,000. I didn't get as many pictures as I should have, but the gist is, 1 acre of undetermined boundaries, right off the highway. As in, my driveway is right off the highway. As in, my boys could ride their bikes into the four lanes of traffic. I have a mini panic attack every time I think about that one.
Plus, the immediate front yard is a horse pen. Now, imagine my boys looking at that wire fence every day. How many days until they decided to climb over & pet the pretty horses? Um...less than 10 minutes, based on the same scenario but with dogs.
The back already has a nice sized deck, plus a concrete slab, presumably to keep water from pooling.
There are two things that sell a house when it comes to women: the kitchen and the bathroom. Now, does that perpetuate a stereotype or what? But, totally true in my case, so I cannot deny. This kitchen stinks, in my opinion. It's neither open nor closed...it's just THERE. Boring. But, livable. It's just a starter home, as Beth keeps reminding me.
I do love the sliding glass doors off the dining room, leading to the back deck. We grill about 5 days a week, on average, so convenience is key.
This house will need the most cosmetic work, of course. New carpet in master bedroom and living room. Needs a fridge & stove. Patch holes in the living room wall. But it potentially has an awesome view. The front faces the mountains, and once the leaves fall off the forest in front of us, we will have a spectacular view. And Autumn will be lovely out there, as well.
Nice sized yard, at 100x200 (sq ft, I assume) and fenced in. That is about .46 acres (almost half) or two city lots. It is out in the country, but right off a semi busy road.

Yesterday made me ask more than once - what were they thinking! There is just no account for bad taste, people. Repaint before you sell, at least! I think it's a repo.
With this one, I hate the living room set up. There is no wall for my couch, so I'd have to do that middle of the floor layout, which stinks. Also hate the master bathroom. Plain old tub, two doors in & out. But master has a huge closet, then another almost unnecessary walk in closet. It was a surprise to find it has an office/library that can be a fourth bedroom. Legally, if a room doesn't have a closet, it can't be listed as a bedroom. All those years of home improvement and house hunting shows has finally paid off!
All in all, this one is high on the list. Tied for #2, actually.
Here is the other #2 contender: a cute as a button, totally move in ready, but smallish (1180+ sq ft) 2004 manufactured home. The only two cons for this one, in fact, is it is a bit small (just less to clean, right?) and the price: $79,000. If you've been keeping up, I have $8,000 to put down, and we want to keep the loaned amount at $63,000 or less. Preferably less.

I have to say, I LOVED her color schemes, both inside and out. The lady living there is older, probably retired, and she has GREAT taste - something lacking from almost every other one we looked in. I'm assuming she is wanting to move to either something smaller, Florida, or to be near her children. I'm big on assumptions. And yes, what they say about making assumptions is true. Frequently. Actually, I really try *not* to make assumptions...mostly because I have fulfilled that saying many times before. (Right, Michelle?)
The Cat Room
Luckily, there was no cat odor whatsoever. Of course, I did have a head cold. But Beth, who swerves to hit cats, said so as well.
This house had 3 bedrooms and two baths. The master bath had a jetted tub. This was the first house we saw and I wanted to buy it on the spot. That is why I have a realtor...to keep me from bidding on the first how I see.
The owner had put in a few really nice touches, including the cute track lighting over the sink, in the center, and over the stove. I seriously loved everything about the inside and outside of this house!
The only con could be that there is no deck, and no door leading directly to the back yard. But the yard is a gorgeous, a level 100x200, fenced, with a concrete slab already in place. So, not an issue, really. But price is. Location is perfect, by the way...about 15-20 minutes from Chad's job, with a country feel, a view of mtns in the winter, and nice, quiet neighbors with kids.
It already has a perfect deck for grilling...and check out that level back yard:

Ignore the power lines and leaves - there are gorgeous mountains under that grey sky!

Now, Mom & I have a little disagreement over this one. She unlovingly refers to the community it is in as a "Trailer Park." Her nose snarls up a little bit each time she says it, too. The realtor that listed it called it a "Manufactured Home Community." Tomayto/Tomahto. Plus, she is not a big fan of a cul de sac. But that is what we lived on when we were stationed at Andrews AFB, MD, and it ended up being really good for the kids. Always a friend to play with, the perfect place to ride their bikes, and eyes every where for when they did something they shouldn't. Which can also be a bad thing LOL.

Right side of the kitchen. Heaven for a cook, yes?
Living room into the dining room shot:

Yes, a stone gas fireplace, and that awesome window off the dining area. The ONLY con I could find was, I hate carpet in the dining room. Seriously...who does that? Childless, petless single people maybe. No offense, Beth.
This next shot is just weird to me:
I like the glass shower okay. Seems a little strange and voyeuristic, but again, I am one of those, in a clean, open-your-living-room-curtains sort of way. Do love the tub, even though it's not my preferred garden tub.
And finally, someone catered to my personal pet peeve:
A separated potty! You can't really tell by this picture alone, but the potty is mostly private from the tub & shower, so you aren't soaking in bubble bliss, staring at a nasty comode. I'm just sayin'!
So, there you have it. Stay tuned as round two continues next week.That's where I drag Chad & hopefully Dad and Clifton along to the top 3 in our budget (sadly, not the last & favorite one).
I have put this off because A.) I hate dealing with a pushy, opinionated, or uninformed real estate agent. Fortunately, Carolyn wasn't any of those and we got along famously. I was a little apphrehensive when I saw that she was older (in her 60's), but she kept up with me & Beth like a spring chicken ;)
B.) I know it's supposed to be fun, but seems like when it's MY money on the line, fun flies out the window. I dunno.
But on the other hand, touring houses satisfies that deep voyeuristic part of me that has existed since we were kids, driving from state to state with Dad, playing "That' MY house!" I would always get so excited when someone left their curtains open, so I could see the inside of the house...how they decorated, the layout, what they were watching on tv....you're a little bit creeped out right now, huh.
But it went great. Carolyn, my new BFF, didn't think we'd be able to see all 7 houses in one day without our heads exploding, but I was pretty confident we'd be okay, as long as she could keep up. We actually covered all 7 in 5 hours exactly. Prolly would have taken even less time if she had known her speedometer has 60 mph and above on it for a reason...but that's another story.
So, here are the 7 houses we looked at and the reasons I kept or eliminated them from the list. I'm counting down from my least favorite to most liked:
I know some of you are saying, but you can fix ugly! But The Experiment in Incredibly Bad Taste was also the smallest (900+ sq ft), and had no tub in the one bathroom. WHAT??? Where would I talk myself out of running away while eating Ghiradelli chocolate and reading trashy romance novels?! (JK, Mom)
Plus, and I should mention this now, I am willing to do cosmetic repairs but I have to draw the line at a full on makeover or reconstruction. Chad has no home repair skills or tendencies, and I have all of the desire and none of the drive. I love a great makeover story...in theory. For someone else. But I've seen too many people live 10 years in a construction zone - NO THANK YOU! My favorite phrase yesterday was "move in ready!"
Anyway, this house also boasted of something even Carolyn had never seen in her 100 years as an RE agent:
What's wrong with this picture?
Keep in mind, that is the BEDROOM, with the pretty glass (SEE THROUGH) door. Thankfully not the master bedroom. I'm thinking maybe I don't corner the market on sneaky kids - whatcha think??? Now, if it were bullet proof glass....Anyway, so that one is off the list for, among other things, no bath tub, no space, and just plain bad taste. Also a less than stellar, or even safe, neighborhood, but who's counting reasons at this point.
This next one was quite a disappointment. I was already half in love with it due to the 2.8 acres &1925 sq ft of house, but there was reason they didn't post pictures of the inside - Layout From Hell. Ever been in a house where you have to go from one end to the other any time you need something? This house just made NO sense. A 1998 doublewide/permanent foundation and they are asking $75,000. It is the farthest away from Chad's job, meaning at least a 30 minute drive one way, but he is willing, if the land & price are right.
By the way, I keep saying "house" but technically, all but 2 of the 7 were double wide trailers, or manufactured homes, as they prefer to be called ;)
Beth hates this one because, for one thing, it is about 25 minutes from her house to mine. May be why I liked it so much...until I saw the inside.
After that, it just went downhill...literally. All 2.8 acres on the side of a mountain, meaning no swing set, no trampoline, no garden. Carolyn referred to it nicely as "unusable land." In fact, about the only thing that land was good for growing was creepy crawly things...and possibly bears. Again, no thank you!
You know, as I look through the pictures of this one, I do like so many things about the house. But when I was actually in it, there was just something off. I don't know. I may want to check this one out again. It would definitely need some cosmetic stuff done to it. For one thing, why do you want carpet in the bathroom? That's just unsanitary and so nasty to me. Then, why put the fireplace in the same room as the kitchen? Usually the last thing you want to do after slaving over a hot stove is fire up the fireplace!
But I do love the garden tub in the master bath, with separate shower. I hate a toilet in the same room as the sink & tub. A dividing wall at least, please! Plus, this one had the most square footage of any we looked at - almost 2,000 sq ft.
The back yard from Hell:
Now that I look at the pictures I took on the side of the hill, it could be cleared out enough for the kids to have a clubhouse. Plus, Chad would love to make all kinds of four wheeler trails up there. It just wasn't what I wanted. So, not totally off the list just yet (sorry, Beth!).
My favorite picture of the day:
Okay, this next one is the least expensive. It's a repo'd HUD 2003 double wide (they were all on permanent foundations btw), for $49,000. Yes, I know that is a great deal. But did I mention I'm not a fixer-upper kind of gal? But, the things I'll do to save a buck...or 30,000. I didn't get as many pictures as I should have, but the gist is, 1 acre of undetermined boundaries, right off the highway. As in, my driveway is right off the highway. As in, my boys could ride their bikes into the four lanes of traffic. I have a mini panic attack every time I think about that one.
So, a potential fix is to either have the driveway moved to the left, coming in from the road 10 feet past those trees, or come in off the neighbors driveway, halfway down, and fence off the end of mine that leads to the highway. Permits, dozers, money. But doable.
Plus, the immediate front yard is a horse pen. Now, imagine my boys looking at that wire fence every day. How many days until they decided to climb over & pet the pretty horses? Um...less than 10 minutes, based on the same scenario but with dogs.
The back already has a nice sized deck, plus a concrete slab, presumably to keep water from pooling.
This house will need the most cosmetic work, of course. New carpet in master bedroom and living room. Needs a fridge & stove. Patch holes in the living room wall. But it potentially has an awesome view. The front faces the mountains, and once the leaves fall off the forest in front of us, we will have a spectacular view. And Autumn will be lovely out there, as well.
Also, had 1700+ sq ft, I think, with four bedrooms & 2 baths and a beautiful stone gas fireplace. So, potential, but not "move in ready."
Okay, this one has the best potential for price & move in readyness: $69,900 for 3 bdrm, 2 bath (and one office/bdrm) 1995 doublewide on permanent foundation. I had to recheck the date on this one, because it doesn't look that old at all. Just needs paint to be move in ready, too.
Yesterday made me ask more than once - what were they thinking! There is just no account for bad taste, people. Repaint before you sell, at least! I think it's a repo.
All in all, this one is high on the list. Tied for #2, actually.
Here is the other #2 contender: a cute as a button, totally move in ready, but smallish (1180+ sq ft) 2004 manufactured home. The only two cons for this one, in fact, is it is a bit small (just less to clean, right?) and the price: $79,000. If you've been keeping up, I have $8,000 to put down, and we want to keep the loaned amount at $63,000 or less. Preferably less.
I have to say, I LOVED her color schemes, both inside and out. The lady living there is older, probably retired, and she has GREAT taste - something lacking from almost every other one we looked in. I'm assuming she is wanting to move to either something smaller, Florida, or to be near her children. I'm big on assumptions. And yes, what they say about making assumptions is true. Frequently. Actually, I really try *not* to make assumptions...mostly because I have fulfilled that saying many times before. (Right, Michelle?)
The Cat Room
Luckily, there was no cat odor whatsoever. Of course, I did have a head cold. But Beth, who swerves to hit cats, said so as well.
This house had 3 bedrooms and two baths. The master bath had a jetted tub. This was the first house we saw and I wanted to buy it on the spot. That is why I have a realtor...to keep me from bidding on the first how I see.
The owner had put in a few really nice touches, including the cute track lighting over the sink, in the center, and over the stove. I seriously loved everything about the inside and outside of this house!
Okay, and here is the final, and favorite, house. Another 2003 double wide/permanent foundation home (one year older than previous house, suprisingly). It is priced almost the same as the previous home, at $79,900. Four bedrooms, two baths, a kitchen to kill for, and an almost perfect master bath.
It already has a perfect deck for grilling...and check out that level back yard:
Ignore the power lines and leaves - there are gorgeous mountains under that grey sky!
View of the front yard:
Anyway, it's a beautiful drive toward the river & mountains, with the best view; undetermined land, but definitely less than one acre. And the most expensive. But this is why it's my favorite:
Left side of kitchen:
Right side of the kitchen. Heaven for a cook, yes?
Yes, a stone gas fireplace, and that awesome window off the dining area. The ONLY con I could find was, I hate carpet in the dining room. Seriously...who does that? Childless, petless single people maybe. No offense, Beth.
This next shot is just weird to me:
And finally, someone catered to my personal pet peeve:
Are you on info overload yet? I was! I already had a terrible head cold and when the Starbucks sugar high left my system, I crashed hard. I couldn't talk or think houses until today really. I did enjoy it all, even the one we ran screaming from due to the stain in the bedroom. Beth said blood, but Carolyn and I chose to believe "pet" stain. A pet elephant, apparently. Sorry, Louise, didn't stay long enough to get pictures.
So, there you have it. Stay tuned as round two continues next week.That's where I drag Chad & hopefully Dad and Clifton along to the top 3 in our budget (sadly, not the last & favorite one).
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Micah Goes to School
a.k.a. Mommy Scares the Preschoolers
Okay, so I probably wasn't that bad...I hope. Micah, my little big boy, officially started Preschool yesterday and I may or may not have had a mini meltdown that may or may not have been in front of his class and may or may not have involved me driving down the wrong side of the road for an undetermined period of time, sobbing my eyes out. Maybe.
Okay, the truth is, I started bawling all over his poor, wonderful teacher, Miss Carissa, and she, being such a great teacher, reassured me that he would be loved on, cared for, and that she would be the sobbing mess by the time school ended next May. (Let's hope so!)
I know he's my third child to start school and I should be a semi-pro at this, but this was a little harder on me than the other two for a couple of good reasons.
One, Katie & Ethan were 5 years old when they started Kindergarten. Micah is 4 (and a half!) and going into Preschool. It just seems wrong on so many levels. But, he needs speech therapy and this seems to be the cheapest (free) way to get him what he needs, before Kindgergarten and the "real" learning begins .I learned the hard way with Katie & Ethan...waiting until Kindgergarten handicaps them in many ways.
Which leads me to my next reason: I started bawling when it came time to leave my little baby in a room full of kids and adults that probably wouldn't understand half of what he said. It would be like being deaf without sign language.
But, that's when she reassured me that he would be loved, they would call if they needed me, I could call them if I was worried, and he would be fine.
Guess what! She was right :) And, no, I did not call. But I was tempted. Just don't want to be that mom. Yet.
He was totally okay, they said they had no trouble communicating with him, and he was awake and ready to go to school again this morning, so apparently all is well.
Worry, much? Yep. Yes, I do. It's hard reliquishing control and custody, even temporarily, of my children. It almost seems criminal that we spend the first 5 years warning them about strangers, then BAM! We send them on a bus with total strangers, to a school with total strangers, all in authority over them.
That's where my faith & prayer come in. I have learned that I can drive myself crazy with all the "what if" thoughts...or I can leave it God's hands. So, I covered him in prayer, then reminded God - "I gave each one of them to You the day they were born. Now it's Your turn. Please take care of OUR children." Then, I have to rest in the knowledge that He is in charge. Always has been, really, but it's just another level of trust on my part.
Anyway...the end of the story is, Micah has excellent, LOVING teachers, he loves school, and Ben is a much calmer, sweeter child when Micah is not around. Ooops! I mean, Ben really misses Micah and they get along much better now :)
And, per usual, pictures of the momentus event:
Not quite awake...
Pictures don't do them justice! They are kind, sweet, and good to my baby...what more can a mom ask for?!
Happy Birthday, Katie!
I am so behind on posting! So, poor Katie, if you ever read this in the future, please don't take it personally! Every time I did manage to get online this week, I was house hunting. And we know how badly you want me to find us a house right now, right?!!
So, here's your story, baby girl:
Katie was my first born, aka, first pregnancy. It was perfect...I stayed small for the most part, gaining mostly in my belly (and nose, according to Charity). I was happy and in love, a newlywed, so it was all good. In fact, we lived in a one room apartment and I didn't even care. ONE ROOM. As in, there was a kitchen, attached to a living room/dining room/bedroom, then a bath room. We could fit a bed, dresser, and tv in the one room and barely have room to get to the bathroom & kitchen. Aw, young love!
So, Katie's crib was in the kitchen. Next to the ball python snake.
Anyway, I was impatient, which ended up being true of every pregnancy of mine, and wanted my baby out NOW. I wanted meet the little person responsible for pulvarizing my insides day and night. I would seriously stand in the shower and sob because she wouldn't stop kicking and kicking and kicking. It's one of the ways my midwife knew she was a girl - go figure. But, it was also my only complait while pregnant.
The day I found my first stretch mark, I begged the midwife to break my water. Vain? Have you met me?! She made me wait another week, then broke it at my last appointment with one of those lovely hooks, and I started contracting about 20 minutes later. She sent me home to pack (I had packed most of my baby stuff but nothing for me...it just seemed like it was never going to happen. Lesson learned, I packed early the next 3 times), and told me to get straight to the hospital. Then, she gave me the best advice - EAT. She said most doctors tell you not to eat, because they don't like to clean up the "mess" that comes with delivery, but she said EAT. Um, ever been in hard labor? Yeah, food is the last thing on your mind.
But not so for Chad. He decided to go through Taco Bell while I was in labor. He actually got to order but before we could get to the window, I was yelling, "GO! GO! GO! GO! GO!"
The nurses told me not to worry, my first baby was probably going to take 12+ hours at least, so I might as well chill out and try to rest. Fortunately for me, they were dead wrong and 4 hours after she broke my water, Katie MacKenzie was born :)
She is the only one that I had an epidural with, so I felt nothing whatsoever. This messed with my head later and I swore I'd never do that again...and I didn't. They ran everyone out of the room to check me and Katie's head was RIGHT THERE. They started running around like crazy, called the midwife, who was half a block away. She ran in the door, told me to push and after 3 good pushes, Katie was out.
She weighed 7lbs 5oz, which ended up being my biggest baby, and was 20 or 21 inches long. Good lord, that was 10 years ago and I can barely remember what I ate for breakfast today! In fact, I had to think about how to spell her middle name!
I do remember that I finally let the nurse take her to the nursery later that night so I could sleep a few hours and they brought her back to me within a couple of hours. Apparently she was screaming her head off and they couldn't get her calmed down, which woke up all the other babies in the nursery. It made me feel so good to know my little girl wanted me so badly. I felt so loved and needed in that moment.
After two days, they packed us up and told us to take our little girl home. Chad & I got her put in the carseat, then in the car, then just sat there. In shock. Chad said, "Um, are we supposed to just leave with her?" It just all felt so surreal. In a matter of seconds, minutes, we were suddenly responsible for another human being. A TINY human being.
As for the snake, mom prayed hard and that thing got some kind of neurological disease and died about 6 months later.
Now my little girl is a dog-lovin', talkative, independent big girl. She was beautiful from the day she was born and still is...inside and out. She's also reading this over my shoulder so I have to say that ;)
Here are some of my favorite pictures. Unfortunately, digital cameras were completely out of my price range 10 years ago and my scanner is in storage. The earliest pictures I have available right now are from around age 3 or 4:

She LOVED this bathing suit, and all things dalmatian. She finally branched out about 3 years ago and loves ALL dogs equally but passionately.

This is when she started getting stopped all the time for looking like Dakota Fanning. Check out Dakota in "I Am Sam" and tell me that's not a less pretty version of Katie!
2003 - 4 years old

Her Paris Hilton phase...lasted a nanosecond, thank God!
Her favorite picture, probably LOL...Katie and her dogs.
May 2009
Her 10th birthday cake - can you tell she picked it out? I insisted on the pink & purple ;)
So, here's your story, baby girl:
Katie was my first born, aka, first pregnancy. It was perfect...I stayed small for the most part, gaining mostly in my belly (and nose, according to Charity). I was happy and in love, a newlywed, so it was all good. In fact, we lived in a one room apartment and I didn't even care. ONE ROOM. As in, there was a kitchen, attached to a living room/dining room/bedroom, then a bath room. We could fit a bed, dresser, and tv in the one room and barely have room to get to the bathroom & kitchen. Aw, young love!
So, Katie's crib was in the kitchen. Next to the ball python snake.
Anyway, I was impatient, which ended up being true of every pregnancy of mine, and wanted my baby out NOW. I wanted meet the little person responsible for pulvarizing my insides day and night. I would seriously stand in the shower and sob because she wouldn't stop kicking and kicking and kicking. It's one of the ways my midwife knew she was a girl - go figure. But, it was also my only complait while pregnant.
The day I found my first stretch mark, I begged the midwife to break my water. Vain? Have you met me?! She made me wait another week, then broke it at my last appointment with one of those lovely hooks, and I started contracting about 20 minutes later. She sent me home to pack (I had packed most of my baby stuff but nothing for me...it just seemed like it was never going to happen. Lesson learned, I packed early the next 3 times), and told me to get straight to the hospital. Then, she gave me the best advice - EAT. She said most doctors tell you not to eat, because they don't like to clean up the "mess" that comes with delivery, but she said EAT. Um, ever been in hard labor? Yeah, food is the last thing on your mind.
But not so for Chad. He decided to go through Taco Bell while I was in labor. He actually got to order but before we could get to the window, I was yelling, "GO! GO! GO! GO! GO!"
The nurses told me not to worry, my first baby was probably going to take 12+ hours at least, so I might as well chill out and try to rest. Fortunately for me, they were dead wrong and 4 hours after she broke my water, Katie MacKenzie was born :)
She is the only one that I had an epidural with, so I felt nothing whatsoever. This messed with my head later and I swore I'd never do that again...and I didn't. They ran everyone out of the room to check me and Katie's head was RIGHT THERE. They started running around like crazy, called the midwife, who was half a block away. She ran in the door, told me to push and after 3 good pushes, Katie was out.
She weighed 7lbs 5oz, which ended up being my biggest baby, and was 20 or 21 inches long. Good lord, that was 10 years ago and I can barely remember what I ate for breakfast today! In fact, I had to think about how to spell her middle name!
I do remember that I finally let the nurse take her to the nursery later that night so I could sleep a few hours and they brought her back to me within a couple of hours. Apparently she was screaming her head off and they couldn't get her calmed down, which woke up all the other babies in the nursery. It made me feel so good to know my little girl wanted me so badly. I felt so loved and needed in that moment.
After two days, they packed us up and told us to take our little girl home. Chad & I got her put in the carseat, then in the car, then just sat there. In shock. Chad said, "Um, are we supposed to just leave with her?" It just all felt so surreal. In a matter of seconds, minutes, we were suddenly responsible for another human being. A TINY human being.
As for the snake, mom prayed hard and that thing got some kind of neurological disease and died about 6 months later.
Now my little girl is a dog-lovin', talkative, independent big girl. She was beautiful from the day she was born and still is...inside and out. She's also reading this over my shoulder so I have to say that ;)
Here are some of my favorite pictures. Unfortunately, digital cameras were completely out of my price range 10 years ago and my scanner is in storage. The earliest pictures I have available right now are from around age 3 or 4:
One of my first digital pictures ever - September 2002

LOVE this one! Caught her in my bathroom with my toothbrush.
LOVE this one! Caught her in my bathroom with my toothbrush.
3 years old

She LOVED this bathing suit, and all things dalmatian. She finally branched out about 3 years ago and loves ALL dogs equally but passionately.

This is when she started getting stopped all the time for looking like Dakota Fanning. Check out Dakota in "I Am Sam" and tell me that's not a less pretty version of Katie!
2003 - 4 years old
Her Paris Hilton phase...lasted a nanosecond, thank God!
Her favorite picture, probably LOL...Katie and her dogs.
May 2009
Her 10th birthday cake - can you tell she picked it out? I insisted on the pink & purple ;)
You moms of girls know what that all means ;)
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