Friday, August 12, 2011

Ben's 1st Day of School - Pt. 1

Okay, I'm going to admit something that moms aren't supposed to say out loud, probably. Good moms, anyway.

I have been COUNTING DOWN the days till Ben starts school for a long time now. Doesn't that sound just awful?!

Don't judge me till you've been his slave for 24 hours straight.

I love that kid. He is my baby. I get all soft and mushy inside when I think about my youngest child. He's the one that, from day one, had to sleep in my arms, tucked under my chin.

But, long story short, that cute little cuddly baby grew into a demanding, bossy, needy 5 year old.

His first question every single morning is: Where are we going today? I am a hermit, so this is the LAST thing I want to do, leave the house. If I say no where, he starts The Game.

YOU know the one: 

Can we go to Beffie's (Beth')? No.
Why not? Because Beth is working
Can we go to WalMart? No, I don't need to go to WalMart today.
How about we go to McDonald's? No, we're just going to stay home today.

Then, the bargaining starts:

If you take me to McDonald's, I'll wet you doe to WalMart! (This is when I start laughing. Or pulling my hair out, depending my current stress level.) 

Then, he eats every 1-2 hours. We eat pretty healthy and apples are one of his favorite snacks. He's been known to eat an entire bag of apples in ONE day. My mom watched him for me a few months ago and told me later, "I thought you were kidding...but I literally fed that boy all day long!"

I don't mind, really. I know he's a growing boy and has a hollow leg. In fact, his knees are already as big as my 10 yr old's. But it's hard to get into the flow of editing pictures or updating a website reading my Bible...ANY thing and have to keep getting up to get him something or play a million questions about what I'm doing today.

Even Katie told me today: "He's needy! He needs constant entertainment!" 

Because some of this stuff is just boredom talking. I watch him and when he gets tired of playing with something, he looks around then looks at me, sees me working, and he must think to himself, she doesn't look busy enough....i need to give her something to do.  


All. Day. Long.

I've tried setting aside a time to do these things with him, so he'll let me do what I need to do in peace. Doesn't work. And yes, I've bought snacks he can get for himself, drinks, etc.... Then he wants a hot dog, heated up. And when he doesn't eat it fast enough and it cools off, he wants it reheated (he has a real issue with food temperature!). And yes, I've tried not doing it. He goes on a hunger strike and, well, I'm a mom. I can't let that go on for too long. I went through too much pain & suffering to get him here!

That's why I was so happy to meet his teacher. She will be able to set boundaries and enforce them because, face it, it's not HER kid!

I've been praying for this woman since I met her. She seems very capable; sweet, yet firm. Exactly what Ben needs. He really seems to like her, which is so great, but it's only been one day. He starts a full week next Monday and then he's in for a rude awakening. They did "fun" stuff on his first day, like make play dough, play on the playground, color, met a bear...or so he says.

Monday, the gloves come off and he get so "learn", something he says he hates to do, lol. I can't wait!

Ben is a smart cookie. Probably the brightest of all my kids at this particular age. Are moms allowed to say that out loud either? But it's true. He needs the mental stimulation, the constant activity, and someone who will refuse to play The Game with him. Or is better at it than I am, lol.

So, that day was yesterday. He's already asked if he could go back to "stool". 
Um, YES!

As for what I did while he was away, that's a whole other post...but it involved the Spongebob Squarepants song, "Best day ever...!"

PS: I was SO excited about getting him there, I totally forgot to take pictures of his first day of school! I know, bad photographer/mommy. So, Monday we are doing a redo :)

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