Ben has been counting down to his 5th birthday since, well, last August. So, today has been Ben Day. The Day of Ben. Wait, isn't that the name of the year, too?
I won't bore you with "5 years ago today I was...". My favorite way to share memories, of!
My gorgeous boy
His new "smile" face...not loving it!
Eying the presents

Aunt Louise was tickling him out of the serious mood he was in
Brothers & cousins
Miss Betty Crocker's cookie brownie is to DIE for. Almost. A lot. Seriously!
He asked me this morning how old he was, so I asked him, "How old do you think you are?" He thought about it a minute then threw up a hand with all 5 fingers raised.
"That's right! You're the big 5 years old today!"
He pondered that a sec then asked,
"But when will I big 6 like Mitah!?"
And so it will go for the next 364 days.
Happy Birthday to Ben! And that cookie/brownie mix looks like it's to die for! YUMMY!!