Wednesday, September 14, 2011


So, I haven't posted this on Facebook or on the blog till now, but almost 3 weeks ago Chad lost his job. We were given a 2 week warning, which is just long enough to stress & freak out, not long enough to save any money worth mentioning. 

During those two weeks leading up to his last day, I worried. I prayed. I tried to find my faith that this was for the best, but to be honest, I couldn't find it. I was worried he'd end up working as a cashier at McDonald's and we'd lose our house, etc. And through all that, I kept on reading my Bible, praying, teaching Sunday School. Because that's the worse time to give up and let's when you need your help the most!

Three days after he was let go, we went to Sunday School then to mom & dad's for our weekly family dinner. I hadn't felt anything special during the service, no one prayed for me and told me it was all going to work for our good. But we were driving home after dinner and I realized that I was happy. More than happy - full of JOY. I was so content, relaxed, the very opposite of worried. And for the first time, I just KNEW it was going to work out for our good. 

I don't know how. I don't know when. But I know God has better things in store for us. I do not see them AT ALL. This is a crazy bad time to be the world's eyes. But I'm a child of a King, the King, and we're going to be okay!

So, as it stands, we are job hunting, praying for direction, and expecting to receive it in God's time. Right now he has accepted an offer to train as a manager at Taco Bell, but it doesn't start for another 2 weeks. We have applied for unemployment but haven't received a check yet.

And yet, we are totally fine. God has already sent money in from two unexpected sources, JUST when we needed it. Just like He always does!

I decided during those two weeks leading up to his last day that I was NOT going to worry & stress & cry my way through this. God has proved me over & over that He can and will take care of me, regardless of how bad it looks. Who am I to ask Him to prove it again before I just TRUST Him to do it again?!

So, there you have it. We are jobless (the photography thing isn't paying quiet yet) but loving it. It feels like a vacation, actually. Without spending money, lol

Please don't feel sorry for us. If you want to do anything, just pray for continued peace and direction. God is guiding us, but sometimes we get in our own way. He opens the door we are to walk in, sometimes we just need a good shove. :)


  1. I cannot wait to hear the testimony that follows this post!!! Great things are in store you guys ... I have NO doubt! Love you! -Angie

  2. I'm sorry Chad lost his job. I just went back to full time work 4 weeks ago and I truly believe everything happens for a reason. I know it will all work out for you guys.

  3. Amy, I LOVE your Faith..I will agree in Prayer this is of GOD...and we will STAND. Your such a Great writer...I enjoy reading about your life.~ Amber
