Wednesday, April 28, 2010

God's voice

A couple of days ago, Katie, my 10 year old, asked me what God's voice sounds like in my head. I tried to explain that I don't necessary hear a "voice". I hear thoughts that I know are not my own. I hear Him through my pastor, in conversation with a fellow believer, in the words of a radio preacher, in the lyrics of a song. When God wants to speak to you, He will. The more you tune your ear to Him, the harder you listen, the sooner you realize that He's been speaking all along, you just weren't paying attention!

I've prayed for my husband for years now, that God would speak to him, draw him, "woo" him even. I wanted Chad to have a definitive experience with God, to know beyond a doubt just how much God loves him. I think we all need that knowledge in us. That faith that can't be shaken that no matter what you do, how much you fail, God is always there waiting to forgive and still love you. Just like you love your children, regardless of their faults, He loves you that much...and then some!

Monday night I came home from church to find my husband "listening for the voice of God." He casually told me that God had been talking to him for days, getting up in his business, and he had he decided to seek Him, hear His voice, and see what God wanted from him.

Talk about surprised!

He told me he was tired of running from God, tired of living his own life, tired of being unhappy...he was ready to serve God, go God's way. He said he rededicated his life to God, all alone, sitting at home!

He still didn't feel at total peace. He said he didn't feel "done". I know the devil likes to mess with our minds, tell us that since we didn't feel anything, it wasn't real. But this is all by FAITH, baby! Whether you feel it or not, when God draws you and you respond, it's done!

I knew he just needed to let God touch him, he needed to totally surrender. The next night, last night, he went to church with me, voluntarily, and made a public confession of faith during the altar service. God finished the work, cleaned him up and out, and when Chad got up from the altar, he was a "new creature!"

So, yeah, I've got a brand new husband!!!

I encourage you to listen for God's voice today. Talk to him like your best friend, ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Then, listen.

Oh, and by the way, during that conversation with my 10 year, she told me that she hears God in the voice of Obi Wan Kanobi. So, there you go. How do you hear God's voice?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Benny, Joel, & Oprah...oh my!

I just finished watching a 10 minute video of Benny Hinn, the evangelist, on youtube and I am SO thrilled! The heading says "Benny Hinn confronts Joel Olsteen and Oprah" - well, you had me at Olsteen, but I'd pay money to see someone confront Oprah on her misguided beliefs. Believe a lie if you want, but don't recruit, for heaven's sake!

In the video, he tells about seeing a certain tv evangelist (I'm assuming Olsteen because of the title) going on Larry King Live. King asks the evangelist if Jesus is the only way to God and the tv preacher says, "Well, that's up to God." Um, yes, genius, it is and fortunately He already made that decision and then wrote an entire book about it (a.k.a, The Holy Bible)!

What made me so excited is that Hinn actually calls Olsteen a COWARD! He never mentions his name, at least not in the clip I saw, but he keeps referring to him as a coward, even saying maybe he has a devil! I love this so much, not because I never hear this type of preaching...I mean, have you heard my dad lately??? No, this is the kind of truth I hear on a regular basis. But, up until today, I had my concerns that there were any preachers on tv bold enough to call a spade a spade.

Then, he takes on OPRAH. I don't, but it seems lately that a large part of the world considers her a step below God. Or, in some cases, probably equal to God. I admit, I used to really like her. She was blunt, she didn't care what people thought, she was funny. Then, I saw her on tv say that Jesus Christ was just ONE of the ways to God (It's on youtube as well). Wonder if she'll regret that one on the Day of Judgement?!

But he was all over her case too, said she needed *help*. PREACH IT!!!

So, today I have a healthy respect for Benny Hinn. I don't know anything else about his life, and he may turn out to be a pedafile or homosexual tomorrow, but today I heard him preaching truth, offending truth, and I am proud to call him a brother!

If you have the time, watch this video. It's only 10 minutes long, but it will make you want to pump your fist in the air and yell, "I am not ashamed! Jesus is THE way!"

PS, I do not actually believe he will turn out to be either of these. That's just my disclaimer that we probably don't see eye to eye on everything and no doubt he has things in his life, just like we all do, that he needs mercy & grace for.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Okay, yes, it has been a loooong time since my last post - I'm sorry! I got a little attached to Facebook (and my house), so I let this slide. Honestly, I wasn't sure I even have anything else worth saying...or worth having you read. But if you still want to know what's going on, I'll try to keep telling you.

Things are going very well at the Krupinski house. So good, in fact, I sometimes wonder if I shouldn't exaggerate the annoying, mundane things so as not to tick off those around me. No one likes a REALLY happy person, right?

Anyway, okay, so here's what's new in my world, for those not in the know already.

I got cable! I also found out there is even more garbage on tv now than two years ago, the last time I paid for this junk. Curiously, there are more religious channels on the basic package than I remember. Even curiouser (is it a word!?), I found some interesting stuff on there. More on that later.

I now teach adult Sunday School sometimes. Actually, I think it's been about 7 weeks straight now. I can't think about that for too long or I start sweating. As for how that's going, you'll have to ask someone from the audience. Chad seems to like it, but he also has to sleep next to me and hasn't mastered the one eye open trick yet ;)

Ben's hair has finally grown out and he now sports the beach bum look I love on him. Sorry, Mom! People keep commenting on his natural highlights, so I'll try to get a picture of that soon. He's so very cute. Especially when he's asleep ;)

Also, I finally got fed up just a second ago with getting him a drink every 20 minutes, gave him a cup, and sent him to the bathroom sink. I'm wondering why I haven't done this sooner! (Have a feeling my bathroom floor no longer needs mopped, so two birds/one stone!)

Did I mention I'm deliriously happy and content with my life? It's scary, actually. If I know anything of life, it's that it never stays this peaceful for long. I'm trying to enjoy it and not worry it away. God is in control of my future.

I just asked Chad if he felt this way. So blessed that you wonder how it can last and what will happen to destroy it. No complaints. He said, "I have complaints, so don't worry about it." LOL.

Like, if you asked me to, yes, I could name some things I want. More money on Chad's paycheck, a job that doesn't destroy his ankles, less allergies for Ethan & Micah, Katie to have a really great friend...yeah, I have those. A lawn mower, a safety net for the trampoline...okay, I found a few wants, lol. But lately I've noticed I don't feel any of that. It doesn't weigh me down. I just feel....blessed.

I think there were times I felt like this in the past: I remember feeling so content in Japan, and in D.C. I missed my family, I wished for a good friend like my sisters, but I still felt like I was where I was supposed to be.

So, maybe that's it. I know I am in God's will for my life. How can I be so sure? Cause this is not what I had planned but I got here by following God. Hmmmm. I'll have to think about that.

Chad is now obsessing about how his life is so not perfect and why. I tried to explain again what I mean.

Me: "Sure, I don't have everything I want, but I don't lack anything I need." (Deep, right? I'm gonna write that one down!)

Chad: "Well, I need a four wheeler and Katie needs a dog. So we have needs!"

@@. That's my sarcastic eyeroll.

Anyway, Chad also says I should shut up now so my friends won't hate me. I have missed talking on here, God knows I need to get it all out somewhere! I'll try to do that here from now on. So, you can stop with the subtle hints on FB, You Who Shall Not Be Named!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

If a picture says a thousand words...

I'll let the pics do the talkin':

I loved sitting in the den at night & just relaxing.

I didn't even get out ALL of my decorations LOL - I have about 10 huge boxes!

A better view

Front door - matched the blue icicle lights hanging from the roof.

Do you know how many times I came home to find: oH oH oH?!

I'm a dork, I know...

I got to redo this door 3 times, thanks to Ben & Micah LOL:

View from the kitchen window:

Can't see it all, but it says :BELIEVE in the magic of Christmas

And one of my favorite pass times...

You just would not believe how fun and relaxing a fireplace is! Katie & I are becoming master fire builders!

So there you have it - my first Christmas in our new home!