I've been thinking lately - which usually gets me in trouble - about sin, weights, and what it means to be a Christian. I'm chock full of deep thoughts, so I'm gonna share them so I can move on to other things!
I realized when my brother got saved, he is only the 3rd person I've ever been able to watch as they are transformed by salvation. Meaning, I knew him before and he was definitely not living a Godly lifestyle, and didn't claim to be. Then, I was able to witness an immediate change in him after he accepted Jesus as his saviour. I know God saves, and radically so, but most of the Christians I know, I didn't get to witness their transformation personally.
But this time, I get a front row seat...and it's been amazing!
I gave my heart to God at age 6. Some people don't believe it's a true confession at such a young age, because your level of comprehension is just not where it needs to be to grasp what all that entails. But for me, I knew there was sin, I knew Jesus died to save me, and I wanted Him in my heart. I prayed with my mom, and it's one of my earliest memories. I cherish it. I was also blessed to have that same conversation with Katie at age four, which blew my mind, and then Ethan at age 6 or 7.
Anyway, so I wasn't a hardened sinner, or big sinner of any kind, except for the fact we are all born into sin. (Let me say, I don't believe children go to Hell if they die without asking Jesus into their heart. I don't remember the Scriptures right now for why I believe that, but I find it if someone wants to know.) So there wasn't a radical change in me that I can really testify about. My testimony has been how God kept me from a lot of things. I didn't always follow Him perfectly, but most of my life has been lived trying to please Him.
Now I'm watching Aaron. He was bored with life, sullen, depressed, listless, and unhappy. He was in and out of trouble, serious trouble, and his life was getting messed up before it really even got started. Plus - and he knows this - Aaron was a huge liar. He would lie at the drop of a hat. Rediculous, fat lies. It was the most annoying thing about Aaron. You couldn't trust a word he said. For instance, I told him we were buying a four wheeler. He called my sister up and told her I was buying THREE four wheelers. His lies didn't even make sense, as they were easily disproved...but he couldnt' seem to stop himself and it drove us all nuts.
But that has all changed!
He is saved!
The lying stopped immediately! Now if he even exaggerates a little, he corrects himself immediately. If he says he caught 10 fish - you can bet he really caught 10 fish (and we know how fishermen like to tell their whoppers LOL). He is happy, he suddenly cares deeply that his friends and siblings find Jesus, he actually wants to go to church, every service, which is a BIG switch for him! He is talking to me about prayer, what he read in his Bible, having his Grandma pray for his best friend to get saved, quitting smoking, singing with me & Beth in church...I mean, he has been radically changed in just ONE week!
Even if I didn't see all of these things, I know he prayed and accepted Jesus into his heart. But these things are just encouragement that God is cleaning out the old man, and installing a NEW Aaron. He's moving in and taking over - how exciting is that?!
But not everyone allows God to change them after that first step. You can fight those changes, and lose so much that God did for you with that very first prayer you pray.
For example: Aaron didn't smoke a single cigerette for about 18-20 hours after he got saved last Sunday. That is a record for him. He smoked about a pack every day or every two days. But he got home the next day (from NC, where he got saved) around his friends and brother that smoke, they asked if he wanted to go outside for a smoke and he said yes, probably without thinking too hard about it. He told me tonight that he has smoked more this week than almost any week before. Why is that?
I think he he was delivered of cigerettes that first night and without even realizing it, he gave in the first time he was tempted and allowed that habit, that spirit, back into his life. He told me he is going to quit, and soon. I don't want him, or anyone, to feel like they have to clean up for God - that's GOD'S job. He cleans us up on his schedule, at His time, and with His help. So, I told him to follow God's lead on that stuff. If he's convicted - if he feels that little prick in his spirit when reaches for one, follow that and let God take that desire to smoke from him. We can't give things up just to please people...it's all about pleasing God.
And PS, yes I know smoking is not listed as a sin in the Bible...and I don't think it will send you to Hell. There's a scripture in the New Testament about "sins and weights"...I think smoking, just like some other things (cursing, in my book) are weights that hinder us (weigh us down) from something God wants to do in our lives, not to mention the affect it has on our Christian witness. And we are ALL called to be witnesses unto Him.
Second, it defiles the body. I know people that wouldn't drink caffeine for the same reason, or take Tylenol. Again, some of that is between you and God. Paul, I believe, said if meat offends your brother, don't eat meat in front of him. Just common sense, really.
If you override a conviction to give something up, to YOU it is sin. You would be in direct rebellion to God to hang on to something He says to give up. But to impose your own convictions on someone else and cause them to stumble is ALSO sin: He said it'd be better that a millstone was tied around your neck and you were cast into the sea, than to cause one of his little ones to stumble.
That's how protective God is over His own! We can rest in how much He loves us, what lengths He will go to take care of us.
So, don't give up on your loved ones, don't give up on yourself. He loves you with an everlasting love and He will not fail you. He will not leave you lonely. He has a plan for you, and you are a part of His plan, the bigger picture that began with Adam & Eve in the garden.
Can you tell I went to church twice today?!?! LOL :) Also, I took a nap!
P.S. Aaron doesn't read my blog, but I also would say everything I just wrote to his face, and he would totally agree. We actually have talked about most of this stuff already. God is so good!
I don't get to see him all the time like you and was just wondering of he had changed at all. that is so awesome.
ReplyDeletePs. We got us another Aunt Becky in the family. Lol.
Linked here from Nicole's site. YOu have a lot in this post, and it was very good. I'll comment on one thing. You mentioned that you didn't believe children go to hell when they die, but couldn't think of any verses on that.
ReplyDeleteWell, I agree with you. A number of biblical texts have shaped my thought on that. Most of them have to do with people we see being saved - they are all adults. When people are told to repend of sin (that is, to turn from it), confess Jesus as Lord, believe, be baptized, walk faithfully, they are all adults.
Another set of texts has to do with listing specific sins, such as 1 Cor. 6. Many if not all of these sins children are incapable of commiting, so how can they be saved from them?
Finally, Jesus statements about letting the children come to him make me think that children are safe in Jesus. In Matthew 18:1 Jesus is asked who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. He calls a child to him and says, "Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." He then says adults need to humble themselves like children. In Matthew 19:14 Jesus says "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these," that is, to children.
Why does the kingdom belong to children? I think b/c of their purity of heart. Even though they can lie, cheat, fight, be selfish, etc., I don't think they do so from the evil intentions that characterize older, hardened hearts. They still have the innocence that we lost years ago.
You wrote a stimulating post here. Thanks. If you get a chance, let me know what you think of this response.
Thank you very much. I enjoyed your blog a lot!