Friday, July 24, 2009

House hunting

I have an appointment to look at two houses today - woo hoo!

This whole process makes me a nervous wreck. First of all, no offense to the real estate agents out there, but I HATE dealing with real estate agents. We've done this before and, in the past, they pushed us to go for something we knew we couldn't afford, even if the bank said we could.

I found one good one in Waldorf, MD, about 5 years ago, Sheila, and she actually became a good friend. She would tell Katie, "Lets touch and agree that this one will be THE one" and then touch her pointer finger to Katie's pointer finger. The first time she did that, I thought, SHE'S the one!!!

She ended up telling me where she went to church, which she said she wasn't technically supposed to do, but we were new to the area and really needed some guidance. I didn't go to her church, but a month or two later while at a birthday party, I heard some moms talking about God, about how He had given them all jobs, etc. I got excited and said, "Where do you go to church?!" And guess where they went to church? Yep, Sheila the real estate agent's church!

I took that for what it was, a little nudge from God, and I started going there. We stayed for almost 2 years, even after we moved 20 minutes away. I still email several people from that church, including my friend Sheila.

So, you never know who is going to impact your life, or become a life long friend. God uses so many people to help us get to where we need to be, if we are truly following Him.

Anyway, keep us in your prayers. It will take a miracle for us to get into our own home this year, but He is a BIG God...and He does really awesome, BIG things!

PS I'll post pictures of the houses we look at later on.

Update: We had to reschedule the appointment for next Wednesday, which is better because only one of the houses she wanted to show me was in a neighborhood I could sleep in :)

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