24 years ago today, mom was digging a ditch around the tent. Seems there was a storm coming and for some reason we had not dug a ditch around the tent yet. For those catching up, Dad was/is a tent preacher. We traveled the 3 or 4 summer months, staying in each town about 2-3 weeks. Luckily, or thanks to Dad's ingenious plan, we were in New Albany, Indiana, on mom's due date, where all our extended family lived and still live. Holla, Linn & Dana!
So, there she is, nine months pregnant and digging a ditch. Now that I look back, maybe...just maybe...she was TRYING to go into labor. Because there is nothing more miserable than a full term pregnant woman. In the hottest month of the year. Under a tent....digging a ditch.
Sure enough, she went into labor. I remember Dad rushing her to the hospital, leaving Neal in charge, I guess. Still a little fuzzy about that part. Maybe we stayed with Grandma F.
Anyway, I do remember we still went on with church that night. Jessica must have already been born by then, and dad left mom at the hospital, which was about 3 blocks away, to preach the service. Then, due to a lack of insurance, she came home the very next day.
Let me just say, after having my own four babies, I don't know how she did it! Jessica was the 6th baby, so she was coming home to 5 more kids to take care of. She told me later, maybe she shouldn't have tried so hard to be Superwoman. The problem with everyone thinking your Superwoman is, everyone thinking your Superwoman!
So, she came home barely 24 hours later with Jessica Christine. I always loved your name! It sounds so elegant to me. Anyway, that night mom stayed in the camper during service, something that scared me since I'd never seen her miss a service. In fact, I think Bro. Hall sent Dad to get you that very night and that is when he carried you around as he preached, eventually prophesying over you. I'll tell you about that one later!
Anyway, so this little scrawny baby joined our family and I became Mommy Jr. I carried you around like my little doll baby. I remember walking across Grandma F's living room floor, carrying you, for the very first time. All. By. My. Self. I was a Big Girl now! I fed her (water bottles when mom was busy), changed her diapers...she was my very own Baby Alive!
In fact, I got so good at it all, when Jessica was 2 months old, I would get her to sleep in my bed, then mom would come and take her to her bassinett. I was eight years old.
Mom used to get migraine headaches. A lot. The really awful, can't-handle-light-noise-breathing kind of migraine. And, probably because of the hormone changes, she seemed to get them more frequently after having a baby. So, I got to play mommy to you a LOT. In fact, we went to school just about a block away from our house, at the time, and my principal would get a phone call from mom saying she needed me because she had a really bad migraine. A teacher would walk me to the edge of the busy highway, watch me walk across, and through the woods home. I always felt so big & special for getting to do that ;)
So, I've been around your WHOLE life, Jessica. I remember you going through my electric blue purse when I wasn't looking...you were four. I have the picture, somewhere. I remember you doing your little dance for me in Beth's room. Wasn't that just last year?! Still have the video...hmmm, maybe I should post that on my blog!
I guess I said all that to say this: Happy 24th Birthday!
Don't hate me for these! I don't have all my pictures with me!!!
I think you were about 15 or 16 here.
You look great! Beth, not so much LOL!
Another fave: Jess & Ben's Spa Day
A little blurry, but hard to get a good one of Pretty McMom's sparkly smile
Yes, there's Louise messing up your photo op with Mom; you have to forgive her, she never got over being replaced as my Baby Alive ;)
Happy Birthday Jess. I remember teaching you to drive a manual transmission in the field by your grandma F. and Chad and Amy are right, however, I think that you should all be models. My Aunt Sally and Uncle Mike sure do make pretty babies!