Friday, July 31, 2009

Ode to Jessica

24 years ago today, mom was digging a ditch around the tent. Seems there was a storm coming and for some reason we had not dug a ditch around the tent yet. For those catching up, Dad was/is a tent preacher. We traveled the 3 or 4 summer months, staying in each town about 2-3 weeks. Luckily, or thanks to Dad's ingenious plan, we were in New Albany, Indiana, on mom's due date, where all our extended family lived and still live. Holla, Linn & Dana!

So, there she is, nine months pregnant and digging a ditch. Now that I look back, maybe...just maybe...she was TRYING to go into labor. Because there is nothing more miserable than a full term pregnant woman. In the hottest month of the year. Under a tent....digging a ditch.

Sure enough, she went into labor. I remember Dad rushing her to the hospital, leaving Neal in charge, I guess. Still a little fuzzy about that part. Maybe we stayed with Grandma F.

Anyway, I do remember we still went on with church that night. Jessica must have already been born by then, and dad left mom at the hospital, which was about 3 blocks away, to preach the service. Then, due to a lack of insurance, she came home the very next day.

Let me just say, after having my own four babies, I don't know how she did it! Jessica was the 6th baby, so she was coming home to 5 more kids to take care of. She told me later, maybe she shouldn't have tried so hard to be Superwoman. The problem with everyone thinking your Superwoman is, everyone thinking your Superwoman!

So, she came home barely 24 hours later with Jessica Christine. I always loved your name! It sounds so elegant to me. Anyway, that night mom stayed in the camper during service, something that scared me since I'd never seen her miss a service. In fact, I think Bro. Hall sent Dad to get you that very night and that is when he carried you around as he preached, eventually prophesying over you. I'll tell you about that one later!

Anyway, so this little scrawny baby joined our family and I became Mommy Jr. I carried you around like my little doll baby. I remember walking across Grandma F's living room floor, carrying you, for the very first time. All. By. My. Self. I was a Big Girl now! I fed her (water bottles when mom was busy), changed her diapers...she was my very own Baby Alive!

In fact, I got so good at it all, when Jessica was 2 months old, I would get her to sleep in my bed, then mom would come and take her to her bassinett. I was eight years old.

Mom used to get migraine headaches. A lot. The really awful, can't-handle-light-noise-breathing kind of migraine. And, probably because of the hormone changes, she seemed to get them more frequently after having a baby. So, I got to play mommy to you a LOT. In fact, we went to school just about a block away from our house, at the time, and my principal would get a phone call from mom saying she needed me because she had a really bad migraine. A teacher would walk me to the edge of the busy highway, watch me walk across, and through the woods home. I always felt so big & special for getting to do that ;)

So, I've been around your WHOLE life, Jessica. I remember you going through my electric blue purse when I wasn't were four. I have the picture, somewhere. I remember you doing your little dance for me in Beth's room. Wasn't that just last year?! Still have the video...hmmm, maybe I should post that on my blog!

I guess I said all that to say this: Happy 24th Birthday!

Don't hate me for these! I don't have all my pictures with me!!!

I think you were about 15 or 16 here.

You look great! Beth, not so much LOL!

I know I use this one a lot, but it's my all time fave of all of us, minus Beth.
I think this was a group hug about 2 years ago when I was heading back to D.C.

Another fave: Jess & Ben's Spa Day

A little blurry, but hard to get a good one of Pretty McMom's sparkly smile

Yes, there's Louise messing up your photo op with Mom; you have to forgive her, she never got over being replaced as my Baby Alive ;)

I could say so many great things about you. For instance, Chad used to tell me you should be a model because you walk with such poise and grace. I agree. And you have always been the most reserved of us all, it seems. Always holding a little bit of yourself back. But you fit right where God planted you. In the middle of 5 sisters and 3 brothers. "Smith" #6 :)
I love you, Boo!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Loan update...

There's good news and bad news. I'll start with the good first:

We qualified for way more than we need or want. We know exactly what we can afford right now, and our monthly payment HAS to stay under $500 a month. In fact, our goal is more around $400. I know most of you are saying, WHAT?! $400 a month for a house - that's not possible! But it is possible...if we can keep the price of the house at or under $65,000. And that is possible. I found a house that I love (brick, large fenced yard, 3bdrms, remodeled kitchen, etc) for $70,000. Unfortunately, someone else loves it too and has a contract pending. But they ARE out there!

Another good thing: we qualify for a VA loan, which means no down payment required. We do have a modest downpayment of about $7,000 available.

I know, I'm prolly not supposed to tell people that stuff but I wish more people were a little more open about the home buying process. Most of my help has come from hearing other people's experiences of purchasing a house.

Anyway, so, say we found a $70,000 home. With our $7,000 down payment, we are looking at a loan of only $65,000 ($63,000 plus about $2,000 for tax & insurance), at 5% interest (that's the percentage we were given today), so our payment would be about $400 - $425 a month.

That's the good news.

Bad news is: they will not loan us money on a manufactured home, which is what 80% of the homes we have found, in our price range of $70,000 and under, are. That is prolly one messed up sentence, but you get the point.

Modular, yes. Manufactured (i.e., single wide, double wide) NO. I don't love manufactured, but you have to do what you have to do to put a roof over your family's head, and that seemed to be what we have to do. Except now, we find out they won't even loan us money for one. They don't appreciate at near the level of a "real" house.

It is such a big bummer since I found a double wide with 4 bdrms, 2 dens (aka, I get an office!), only 6 years old, sitting on 2.4 acres. Better still, it is in same school zone so no switching schools, AND it is out in the country. Surrounded by horse farms, cows, hills, trees...only one near neighbor, and on a dead end road. That's a DEAL - right? Oh, asking price is $69,900. So I was jumping up and down - till today. They will not loan us money for it.
Now, she did say we could just start dialing morgage companies, find one that loans on a manufactured home. But she said it will be very difficult, and they have more fees than a bank typically does.

Anyway...that's where we are. Just lost about 80% of the houses in our price range. That's a blessing and a curse. Helps narrow down the field, cuts out wasted time, but makes it more imparative to find that hidden gold mine, that more excellent deal.

Again, with God, ALL things are possible.

And that's my update ;)

I don't know about you, but I need another moment of zen for this day, so here it is:

I thought I saw a bud on my pepper plant and took a picture. Later, after I downloaded it to my laptop, I found that amazing butterfly. She (remember, ugly males, beautiful females ;) is gorgeous, with red & blue stripes. See if you can blow the picture up. May have to copy & paste it to your computer first, but it's worth it!

Need some prayers!

Guess what Chad & I will be doing today: going to talk to a loan officer about a loan for a house! That's Big Girl stuff - thankfully, I'm wearing my Big Girl panties today ;)

So, wish us luck, pray we find favor and actually qualify for a loan. Last time we got this far in the process, over 3 years ago in Waldorf, MD, the real estate agent laughed at us after reading our financial paperwork. Seems $180,000 there is a JOKE, and you had to qualify for at least $210k before they'd discuss buying a home with you.

I guess I have a little bit of fear that it will be a repeat of that, but with a lower number. His pay has been almost cut in half since then. But, God is not the author of fear, and He is the One working this plan to my good. So regardless of what happens today, it's all in His hand. Besides, He doesn't actually need MY credit, MY money to get this done. I've heard some miraculous things my God has done and lets just say, He's able!

Just please pray for us. I believe in the power of prayer! I dont want to go ahead of God, or try to make MY will His will. In the end His will is what will be done, but it can involve costly lessons for us if we don't wait on Him. I don't want to lose money because I tried to force God's hand to do what *I* want.

Anyway. Our appointment is at 1:30pm. I'll update you with what we find out, hopefully tonight.
Here's your moment of zen for today:
Now isn't that something?!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

All About the Benjamin

My baby will be THREE next Saturday - that hurts! He is so funny and goofy, sweet and sassy...he fills the role of "youngest sibling" very well!
Right now he is covered in bruises and band aids. Today, alone, I have heard, "I huwt!" at least 5 times - 3 of which were blamed on Micah. If he were to fall and break something anytime soon, I would prolly try to set the bone myself first, just to avoid a trip to the hospital and all the questions that are sure to follow.

Think I'm exaggerating?

I don't kid about boo boos!

Notice the bottom lip - that is courtesy of a four wheeler mishap with Uncle Aaron - he bumped his mouth on it as they hit a dip.

Helmet is now mandatory.

He was in my lap as I tried to use the camera upside down & backwards:

Obviously, he can rock a boo boo ;)

See the cool spidey bandaid? Yeah, Micah wacked him with a "wite sabah". That's Micah code for light saber. Thank you George Lucas!

Is that still not the sweetest face?!?

Beth: this is why I never have any gum or candy in church:

And I am proud to report that he is officially potty trained. And I use the word "potty" loosely:

Sorry, Grandma. And future adult Ben. It had to be done!

*sigh* I treasure each day his foot is smaller than mine!
P.S. Ben loves my "boo" toes and I love to hear him call blue "boo" :)

So that is my little ramble about my baby Ben. I'm entitled every now & then - he was my worst labor & delivery out of the four of them!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Ben & Micah Get Along

aka, I have the best mother in law in the world! She is always sending the kids stuff in the mail, usually individually packaged (that's LOVE), and usually full of candy, books, and all kinds of odds and ends. Once, she sent them all really weird candy from Mexico that they wouldn't hardly touch - that says a lot about how weird it was LOL. Spiders, snakes...and they looked a little too real! And lets just say, the Mexicans are a little behind on the idea of *sweet* candy!

Anyway, she recently sent them a packed stuffed with candy and some little sticker and activity books for the boys. I sat down with them on the floor, got them started with some crayons and their Cars activity books, and there was peace on the homefront for 10 whole minutes! I took pictures to prove it's actually possible for Ben & Micah to co-exist and, dare I say it, GET ALONG!

Ignore the clutter - I have junk for a family of 6 crammed in that room! (and a Double bed comforter on a King mattress ;)

He was so intense about getting that sticker right where he wanted it!

I just love how kids are always sitting in some funky position that would kill an adult:

just like this one!

After I got to looking through my pictures, I found a couple other times Ben & Micah got along.
Making funny faces at mom:
Playing in the dirt together *shudder*
Boys will be boys! But aren't they the most gorgeous boys you have EVER seen? Yes, that includes Conner, Louise. And your twins, Linn!

Friday, July 24, 2009

House hunting

I have an appointment to look at two houses today - woo hoo!

This whole process makes me a nervous wreck. First of all, no offense to the real estate agents out there, but I HATE dealing with real estate agents. We've done this before and, in the past, they pushed us to go for something we knew we couldn't afford, even if the bank said we could.

I found one good one in Waldorf, MD, about 5 years ago, Sheila, and she actually became a good friend. She would tell Katie, "Lets touch and agree that this one will be THE one" and then touch her pointer finger to Katie's pointer finger. The first time she did that, I thought, SHE'S the one!!!

She ended up telling me where she went to church, which she said she wasn't technically supposed to do, but we were new to the area and really needed some guidance. I didn't go to her church, but a month or two later while at a birthday party, I heard some moms talking about God, about how He had given them all jobs, etc. I got excited and said, "Where do you go to church?!" And guess where they went to church? Yep, Sheila the real estate agent's church!

I took that for what it was, a little nudge from God, and I started going there. We stayed for almost 2 years, even after we moved 20 minutes away. I still email several people from that church, including my friend Sheila.

So, you never know who is going to impact your life, or become a life long friend. God uses so many people to help us get to where we need to be, if we are truly following Him.

Anyway, keep us in your prayers. It will take a miracle for us to get into our own home this year, but He is a BIG God...and He does really awesome, BIG things!

PS I'll post pictures of the houses we look at later on.

Update: We had to reschedule the appointment for next Wednesday, which is better because only one of the houses she wanted to show me was in a neighborhood I could sleep in :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ode to Beth

I'd like to dedicate today to a special girl. And by special, I mean the ride-the-little-yellow-school-bus kind of special. My sister Beth, or Boolie as I fondly refer to her (because she hates it!), is 31 years young today. Sadly, she did not ride the short, yellow bus to school...I was her designated driver most of the time. But it was a mini van and she IS special.
P.S. Turn up your volume just a little as you read this, check out my birthday song for Beth ;)

I was almost 19 months old when Beth was born and my favorite story mom tells is about the time 2 of my homies and I pulled 2 week old Beth off of the bed, on to the floor. It was my way of saying, "Get lost, Drama Queen!"

One of my least favorite stories involves a blanket. Imagine, if you will, a sweet little girl, about the age of 4. Now imagine she has a raggedy old blanket: her security blanket. Linus, but with girl parts. And in pink.

Now, imagine a spoiled little brat of about 2, also a girl. Or boy. But in this case, definitely a girl. Imagine that little brat is jealous of her older, wiser, prettier sister. And jealous of her cute little, pink blanket. Now, imagine this sweet little girl, the 4 year old, clutching her blanket in horror as the 2 year old unholy terror screams, kicks, and pitches the biggest fit you've ever seen, all because she wants THAT blanket.

Now, in this story, there is a bad witch. And that bad witch takes the blanket and RIPS it in two, giving one half back to the poor, sweet princess, then handing the other half to the red faced, snotty nosed brat. (Chad added gorilla breathed but he wasn't there, and I can't swear to that fact). Can you see the heartache that poor little sweet Am...I mean girl went through? She was DEVASTATED. She cried her poor little heart out. That was her blanket! There is no telling the amount of therapy due said poor girl, though of course the spoiled brat never offered to pay for it.

And so began a long, turbulent relationship based on theft and jealousy.

However, being the older, wiser big sister, she did eventually forgive the little brat - I mean, girl. Though not forget, obviously. No, never forget.

So, here is my ode to Beth who, strangely enough, resembles that little bratty girl :)

Beth was the only family member to come visit me in Japan, in 2004 (I'm not bitter....I NOT bitter...). Check us out getting our Starbucks on in Tokyo!

Beth, Katie & Ethan in front of Mt. Fuji

We went everywhere, even though we couldn't read a map or speak the language. It was scarier than a rollercoaster!

One of my all time favorites - and check out her legs! The Japanese were facinated by Beth ;)

Jess, Aaron, Beth, & Melissa

Last summer

I can't find my favorite picture of us, taken last year at her surprise 30th birthday party -but wasn't that fun!?

Happy Birthday - I love you!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

From my garden

Look what I found in my little garden last week:

My very first harvest!!!
I LOVE watching my cucumber plant grow; it's really the most amazing plant. It's little, skinny tenacles are constantly reaching out farther and farther, stretching and pulling the plant along with it, to new territory. What started as a little starter plant has grown into this long, beautiful, vegetable-producing plant:

How cool is that?!
Just a few days later, I found this little guy hiding under a leaf:

He's about the length of my pinky finger here. Yes, HE. Remember my rule switch - ugly, knobby, green things are male; beautiful, elegant flowery things are female. My plants, my pictures, MY rules :)

So, I peeled, sliced, salted, and ate that thing down, after taking pictures, of course. Immediately after, I wondered if I should have offered up my first fruits to God. But then I figured,that was Old Law, we are under grace of the New Law, which, coincidentally I said (grace, that is) before swallowing it down.


Then, low and behold, more delicioso vegetabilio (just made that one up!):

Three whole tomatoes! That's more than I eat a year! I hate tomatoes, except for an occasional bite of Chad's juicy cheeseburger, or in ketsup. I grew these just to say I grew 'em. And to make my husband and father happy. Apparently no farmer worth their weight in grain has a garden without tomatoes.

I really enjoy watching little seeds and plants that I put into the ground grow and produce something I can eat. I love watching the circle of life that God put into order those first 6 days of Creation. Something He began so long ago is still feeding me, six thousand years later - how awesome is that?!

Here are a few more pics of my mini garden. I only have the tomato plant, cucumber plant, and pepper plant:

Blooms on the cucumber plant

Pepper plant - still no sign of a pepper, just yet. Also, I think it has a virus, aka, a bug. Should I spray it with some kind of pesticide? Anyone know of a good, all natural - or close to it - one to use? Course, I don't eat peppers either, so if you tell me about a dangerous, unnatural one, it's only Chad & Dad that suffer ;)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

12 year old drama...

One of the greatest forms of escapism is to focus on someone else's drama for a few minutes, thus forgetting your own for a short time. And what better drama than that of a 12 year old. Remember how life and death everything was at the tender age of 12? When a trip to WalMart had the potential to change your life, where you sat in church could signal a crutial regime change, or when the smallest, silliest things could make or break your day?

Yeah, me neither ;)

But, my 12 year old sister Casey sure does!

So escape the hum drum of adulthood for a second and read what goes on in the drama-filled life of a preteen, via an email from little sister Casey to her older sister Louise (all grammatical errors are hers....sadly):

so i have a cold and my throat hurts its sore and i have sneezed about 15 times not kiddin and so today i woke up and katie and ethan were on the couch and i started to blow my nose and they both looked at me and started laughing and ethan says "you sound like a dinosaur" and they start laughing again and i still blowing my nose and katie says "hey look its a caseysaurus " and they start laughing again and ethan says "is the caseysaurus real and katie says "yea its real cause its standing right beside you " and i actually laughed at that one then shes like "she's not a dinosaur shes a dragon trying to blow fire out her nose" and they started cracking up again so i guess im a dinosaur and a dragon trying to blow fire out my nose.

Love Casey

Now, back to your own boring lives, right?

Here's your laugh for the day:

It's amazing how cute just flies right out the window as soon as you get on the phone, start the last chapter of a book, lay down to take a nap....then they show their true colors!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Deep Thoughts

I've been thinking lately - which usually gets me in trouble - about sin, weights, and what it means to be a Christian. I'm chock full of deep thoughts, so I'm gonna share them so I can move on to other things!

I realized when my brother got saved, he is only the 3rd person I've ever been able to watch as they are transformed by salvation. Meaning, I knew him before and he was definitely not living a Godly lifestyle, and didn't claim to be. Then, I was able to witness an immediate change in him after he accepted Jesus as his saviour. I know God saves, and radically so, but most of the Christians I know, I didn't get to witness their transformation personally.

But this time, I get a front row seat...and it's been amazing!

I gave my heart to God at age 6. Some people don't believe it's a true confession at such a young age, because your level of comprehension is just not where it needs to be to grasp what all that entails. But for me, I knew there was sin, I knew Jesus died to save me, and I wanted Him in my heart. I prayed with my mom, and it's one of my earliest memories. I cherish it. I was also blessed to have that same conversation with Katie at age four, which blew my mind, and then Ethan at age 6 or 7.

Anyway, so I wasn't a hardened sinner, or big sinner of any kind, except for the fact we are all born into sin. (Let me say, I don't believe children go to Hell if they die without asking Jesus into their heart. I don't remember the Scriptures right now for why I believe that, but I find it if someone wants to know.) So there wasn't a radical change in me that I can really testify about. My testimony has been how God kept me from a lot of things. I didn't always follow Him perfectly, but most of my life has been lived trying to please Him.

Now I'm watching Aaron. He was bored with life, sullen, depressed, listless, and unhappy. He was in and out of trouble, serious trouble, and his life was getting messed up before it really even got started. Plus - and he knows this - Aaron was a huge liar. He would lie at the drop of a hat. Rediculous, fat lies. It was the most annoying thing about Aaron. You couldn't trust a word he said. For instance, I told him we were buying a four wheeler. He called my sister up and told her I was buying THREE four wheelers. His lies didn't even make sense, as they were easily disproved...but he couldnt' seem to stop himself and it drove us all nuts.

But that has all changed!

He is saved!

The lying stopped immediately! Now if he even exaggerates a little, he corrects himself immediately. If he says he caught 10 fish - you can bet he really caught 10 fish (and we know how fishermen like to tell their whoppers LOL). He is happy, he suddenly cares deeply that his friends and siblings find Jesus, he actually wants to go to church, every service, which is a BIG switch for him! He is talking to me about prayer, what he read in his Bible, having his Grandma pray for his best friend to get saved, quitting smoking, singing with me & Beth in church...I mean, he has been radically changed in just ONE week!

Even if I didn't see all of these things, I know he prayed and accepted Jesus into his heart. But these things are just encouragement that God is cleaning out the old man, and installing a NEW Aaron. He's moving in and taking over - how exciting is that?!

But not everyone allows God to change them after that first step. You can fight those changes, and lose so much that God did for you with that very first prayer you pray.

For example: Aaron didn't smoke a single cigerette for about 18-20 hours after he got saved last Sunday. That is a record for him. He smoked about a pack every day or every two days. But he got home the next day (from NC, where he got saved) around his friends and brother that smoke, they asked if he wanted to go outside for a smoke and he said yes, probably without thinking too hard about it. He told me tonight that he has smoked more this week than almost any week before. Why is that?

I think he he was delivered of cigerettes that first night and without even realizing it, he gave in the first time he was tempted and allowed that habit, that spirit, back into his life. He told me he is going to quit, and soon. I don't want him, or anyone, to feel like they have to clean up for God - that's GOD'S job. He cleans us up on his schedule, at His time, and with His help. So, I told him to follow God's lead on that stuff. If he's convicted - if he feels that little prick in his spirit when reaches for one, follow that and let God take that desire to smoke from him. We can't give things up just to please's all about pleasing God.

And PS, yes I know smoking is not listed as a sin in the Bible...and I don't think it will send you to Hell. There's a scripture in the New Testament about "sins and weights"...I think smoking, just like some other things (cursing, in my book) are weights that hinder us (weigh us down) from something God wants to do in our lives, not to mention the affect it has on our Christian witness. And we are ALL called to be witnesses unto Him.

Second, it defiles the body. I know people that wouldn't drink caffeine for the same reason, or take Tylenol. Again, some of that is between you and God. Paul, I believe, said if meat offends your brother, don't eat meat in front of him. Just common sense, really.

If you override a conviction to give something up, to YOU it is sin. You would be in direct rebellion to God to hang on to something He says to give up. But to impose your own convictions on someone else and cause them to stumble is ALSO sin: He said it'd be better that a millstone was tied around your neck and you were cast into the sea, than to cause one of his little ones to stumble.

That's how protective God is over His own! We can rest in how much He loves us, what lengths He will go to take care of us.

So, don't give up on your loved ones, don't give up on yourself. He loves you with an everlasting love and He will not fail you. He will not leave you lonely. He has a plan for you, and you are a part of His plan, the bigger picture that began with Adam & Eve in the garden.

Can you tell I went to church twice today?!?! LOL :) Also, I took a nap!

P.S. Aaron doesn't read my blog, but I also would say everything I just wrote to his face, and he would totally agree. We actually have talked about most of this stuff already. God is so good!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ya'll Come back now!

Mt. Airy, NC, is the home of Andy Griffin. If I'm not mistaken, they actually filmed the show there, back in the day when it was on location and not a bunch of studio sets in California.

Aunt Bea has a restaurant named after her, as does Goober. Then, the downtown area has his barber and other tourist traps. One of our faves is The Emporium. 3 stories of shopping and eating. Normally, I would not take 4 kids to a knick knack haven, but Beth thinks I am Super Mom and she is Super Aunt, so she talked me into it. I'm amazed we didn't get kicked wasn't exactly kid friendly:

They had a whole section of dog stuff - Katie found her Happy Place:
See the Monkey Backpack/leash? See it NOT doing it's job?
That rocker, by the way, was like $250!

Seriously, Katie's "happy place"

And this is my happy place :)

I have a friend that cut his twin boys' door in half, and put bars up the top half. He didn't go all the way up, and woke up one morning to find the couch, carpet, and walls covered in syrup, ketsup, and all kinds of fun stuff. They had climbed OVER the bars. That is totally a story I could relate to.

Mock up of Andy's police desk:
Hello? Hello? Could you imagine still using one of those?

Oh! funny story!
My mother in law laughed so hard telling me this: One day, when Katie & Ethan were with her that 3 weeks , after Chad's grandma died, the phone rang. Jody was talking to a friend on the phone when Ethan walked up to her and said "WOW! Grandma, how'd you do that?!" She whispered, "What are you talking about?" She said he just kept saying, "Wow, that is so cool! How'd you do that Grandma?" She finally realized he was pointing at the cord attaching the phone to the wall. She had one of those rotary phones mounted to the wall, with the cord plugged into the jack, and a cord to the handset. Ethan has grown up with cordless phones and cell phones -he was in awe and wanted to know how she did that. Now, don't that make you feel OLD?!
I just remembered...we did have one of those in Japan. Most cordless phones wouldn't work on base because of signal issues. But he was 4 years old when we moved here and apparently he doesn't remember it.
After a hard day of window shopping...cupcakes & Sprite!

This was our home for 5 days - Knights Inn:

I was very happy with the room and service. Especially with the cable tv :) It's been a looooong time since we had cable tv at our fingertips - and it showed!

Katie & the boys slept on the floor the last two nights, saying it was "more fun". I was made to sleep on the floor as a kid...I didn't think it was fun at all!

A little friendly wrestling going on :)
I think he was getting even with his big sister by making her smell his diaper.
Thank God for vacations. And cable tv. And tent meetings. And family. And vans with vcrs. And tylenol. Amen.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Vacations Rock!

You won't believe how many times I have been disconnected from my computer today! I've been trying to post this since yesterday but I am experiencing technical difficulties...which leads to computer rage. A lot like road rage, but with the ability to chuck stupid offensive car/laptop through window. To avoid that, I'll just publish what I have for now and try again tomorrow :)
Here is just ONE fun thing we did on our NC vacation last week:

Snow Cone Time!

Casey and her sour ice. Notice all of the yummy flavors on the little building behind her:

Ben got "Spiderman" flavor - whatever that is LOL:

Micah got MaMaMaMa (Ninja Turtle). I reallly have to get him in speech therapy.

He was loving his green tongue. But not that direct sun in his eyes.

She had wedding cake with cream, but didn't like it. Switched to something green.

Ethan stayed at the camper to play Mario Kart with Aaron. We took him a Spiderman, which he loved. And that is what we did on Friday of our NC vacation :)