Monday, July 27, 2009

Ben & Micah Get Along

aka, I have the best mother in law in the world! She is always sending the kids stuff in the mail, usually individually packaged (that's LOVE), and usually full of candy, books, and all kinds of odds and ends. Once, she sent them all really weird candy from Mexico that they wouldn't hardly touch - that says a lot about how weird it was LOL. Spiders, snakes...and they looked a little too real! And lets just say, the Mexicans are a little behind on the idea of *sweet* candy!

Anyway, she recently sent them a packed stuffed with candy and some little sticker and activity books for the boys. I sat down with them on the floor, got them started with some crayons and their Cars activity books, and there was peace on the homefront for 10 whole minutes! I took pictures to prove it's actually possible for Ben & Micah to co-exist and, dare I say it, GET ALONG!

Ignore the clutter - I have junk for a family of 6 crammed in that room! (and a Double bed comforter on a King mattress ;)

He was so intense about getting that sticker right where he wanted it!

I just love how kids are always sitting in some funky position that would kill an adult:

just like this one!

After I got to looking through my pictures, I found a couple other times Ben & Micah got along.
Making funny faces at mom:
Playing in the dirt together *shudder*
Boys will be boys! But aren't they the most gorgeous boys you have EVER seen? Yes, that includes Conner, Louise. And your twins, Linn!

1 comment:

  1. We do have the monopoly on the cutest kids in the world, don't we!
