Tuesday, September 29, 2009

By the way...

I forgot to update you guys on the house we were looking to bid on, under the subject "2nd Choice". 24 hours before we had to turn in our bid, we found out the foundation is not considered a "permanent" foundation, under the latest government guidelines. Meaning, no loan.

Some mortgage companies will loan on a trailer not on a foundation, but for several different reasons, that didn't seem the best way to go to me. God is so good, because He knows how indecisive I am, and He confirmed through about 3 different people that we should walk away from that deal. Then, and this really IS a God thing, I just felt so strongly all of a sudden that God REALLY does have something great in store for us!

I sound so shocked, right? But that really has concerned me, that I may not like what He has in store for us.

Remember a while back I wrote that I don't believe just because you don't get a certain thing, that necessarily means God has something bigger and better for you? Well, I still think that is true in some cases. Why? Three words: The Apostle Paul.

Paul was beaten, thrown in prison, shipwrecked, bitten by a snake, and basically persecuted for most, if not all, of his Christian life. But he was right where God wanted Him. He was in the will of God for his life. That was his bigger and better!

God's will for my life may not be a grand house, lots of land, or the nicest car on the market. In fact, His plan for me may not even include my version of bigger and better...a cute little house out in the country. Why? I have no idea. I do not know what His exact plan for me is, or why. I just know He has one and I want it. Because I know, no matter where I am, I will be content as long at it's HIS will and HIS plan for me.

So, that said, last week God gave me great peace that whatever lies ahead for us, it will be GOOD. I've worried that we'd end up somewhere I couldn't let my kids play outside, or would be too ashamed to bring friends and family to. But for some reason, God let me know that I can rest assured in that department. He has GOOD plans for me.

I know we like to quote that Scripture, Jeremiah 29:11: I know the plans I have for you. A plan to prosper you, to bless you. Plans to give you a hope and future (I'm paraphrasing!). But Job was in the plan of God when his life was blown to smitherines, just as much as he was when God multiplied Job's blessings later.

God sees past, present, and future, so I have a feeling His focus is not just on how He can bless and make me feel good TODAY, but how today will affect my future, and eventually, my eternity. He is making ALL things work together for my good. Past, present, future. There's a wonderful peace in knowing just how big and awesome He is, and that He rules my world!

Again, I don't know exactly what that all means for me, but I'm excited to find out. One day. For now, I'm excited to be exactly where I am right now, because this, too, is obviously His will for my life....today.

1 comment:

  1. Haven't been by in awhile so haven't been up on the house hunt. I appreciate your submission to whatever God's will is. He will bless you for that!
