Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Today is Micah & Ben's first dentist appointment - yay! Seriousy, I cancelled once because, really, do 3 and 4 year olds NEED a dental cleaning yet? But they insisted YES, they do (of course), so we are going.

I heart this dentist office mucho gusto for several reasons:

One, they have an awesome waiting room. The walls are painted with an intricate African safari mural, with a couple of large tvs with movies always playing, even in back. Meaning, while the dentist is drilling a hole through your jaw, you get to watch Madagascar 2 :) (Did I mention I actually hate going to the dentist?!?) Plus, four gaming consoles set up in the waiting room for the video game addicted, such as Ethan.

Second, they have really cool magazines for parents in the waiting room. Unlike the pediatric doctor's waiting room. Ugh. Insurance magazines, health magazines...I want to escape reality while I am waiting to pay you $500 to see if my son has a huge ball of wax in his ear, not get slapped in the face with the reality of my moneyless, unhealthy lifestyle. So, thanks a lot, dentist office, for providing me with mindless crap to read! It's almost enough to make me forget the $300 I'm paying you to brush my 3 year old's teeth :)

On a sadder note (does it get worse than $300 on teeth that will fall out in the next 5 years???), my real estate agent's mom died Sunday, so we had to cancel our visits to the 3 houses we like the most. Also, on an even sadder dream home has been sold and is currently being inhabited as I type.

Chad warned me this weekend that he saw someone mowing the grass. I insisted they were just getting it cleaned up & ready for us. He reminded me that there was also one of those storage pods in the front yard. It was a little much to think maybe they had moved all of our furniture from storage to a pod and then moved it to our house before we had actually bid on it, so I caved to reality and accepted it was probably over.

However, my little mini me, Katie, was not buying it. Honestly, I didn't have the heart to tell her it was sold, so I did the next best thing and drove her by it yesterday after chorus. I have to give her credit...she catches on quick. The car in the driveway, pod next to it, and already a new shed in the back yard gave it all away and she realized immediately that "those mean people that stole our house" were there to stay.

She turned her face to the window and silently bawled her eyes out. So did I. We held hands as I drove away and cried together over the loss of the house that was just so perfect for us. A few minutes later, after we were cried out, Katie croaked, "Well, I hope those people at least needed it more than we did, cause I have to say, this is HEARTBREAKING!" Then, she added vehemently,
"And they better have a dog, too!"

I have a feeling that, just as I had already mentally decorated the inside of the house I'd never even toured yet, hosted my first birthday party/BBQ, and played football with Chad in the front yard, Katie had been planning her upcoming adventures with Bandit. Probably dreaming of the roaming they would do on our 2.4 acres, chasing cows, howling at the moon, and doing God knows what else together.

So yesterday we both heard the sound of pipe dreams bursting. I said I'd accept whatever God's answer was, even if it was a big, fat NO, and I do. Katie asked me last night, does this mean that wasn't our house? And I had to say, even though I don't like it or understand why, that's exactly what that means. God has something else for us. I won't even lie and say I think the something else is better. It's just something else. Hopefully better. But when you pray for God's will, you better be ready to accept it.

Anyway, I'm off to the dentist, thanking God it's not my appointment. My kids have no idea how much I hate going to the dentist. I just act like they are SO lucky to be going, while inside I am ecstatic it's not me :)

Happy Middle of the Week Day!

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