Thursday, June 4, 2009

Doom, Gloom, & Despair...

Today's post title is a good friend's favorite quote from a Shakespearean play (don't ask me to name it!). I thought of that phrase last night as I sucked down my free root beer float from Sonic.


Because, here we are, the world in all kinds of financial woe, our supposedly Christian president making decisions left and right that tear down some of our most sacred, moral laws, and the spirit of this world (anti-God) getting stronger and stronger every second, or so it seems.

Gloom. Doom. Despair.

But as I sipped my cool, sweet (and did I mention FREE!) root beer float, I was thankful. I was overwhelmed with gratitude. Not only to Sonic, who was so kind to provide 3.5 million customers with a free float, when you know most of the restaurant businesses seem to have taken a hit economically, but to God. Because He knows and cares about even the tiniest little details of my life. I truly believe that all good things come from God. The Bible says, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." James 1:17

He is the Father of lights. The Creator of the sun, moon, and stars. Yet, there is no variation (to make different in some attribute or characteristic), neither a shadow, a hint, of Him turning, or changing. The lights He created to rule our earth, change our seasons, and regulate our body's biological clock, change. They wander the heavens, they turn. But their Creator does not change, He does not turn. Ever.

Isn't that reassuring?! It is if He is in control of your life. He knows what He's doing, this is all a part of His plan, and nothing takes my Heavenly Father by surprise. NOTHING. Not the job market, not my bank account, not sickness, even little headaches & viruses...He knows what is coming at me and He's prepared. He's ready. It's all going to work out to my good. That's His promise to me.

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:15

This post has went in a completely different direction than what I planned, but I needed to hear it. If it doesn't help anyone else, it has helped me!

I did try to find an email address to contact Sonic and thank them for being so generous, but they don't have an email link for customers, so Thank you, Sonic!

1 comment:

  1. SOoooo.... your saying that your free Root Beer float from Sonic was due to divine intervention? LOL! I feel ya. I was having a rough day yesterday and could have used a few words from the Good Book to pick me up. Thanks for this anyway. It helps.
