Friday, May 29, 2009

Green Thumb, Anyone?

I do NOT like to touch dirt. I especially hate to get dirt under my fingernails. This drives me nuts and I feel so nasty until I can suds up and wash the dirt far, far away from my clean nails. I never liked playing in the dirt as a kid, either. And yet, God thought it would be a great idea to give me THREE boys? Seriously going to ask Him about that one day.

But somehow, I fell in love with gardening.

I love flowers. I love taking pictures of them, watching them grow and, as of last year, planting them. I was really depressed one day, one of those periods of time where I went weeks without any quality *ME* time, and Chad had kicked me out, suggesting I go buy some flowers "or something." I spent about $80 on flowers that I could plant outside our base housing, the whole time wondering how in the world I was going to plant them without touching dirt. Crazy, right?

As soon as I got home, I dove in to my new project - mainly because I know me and I am a procrastinator with a capital P. I had to get started while still high from the pollen of my beautiful flowers. I ended up borrowing a lot of tools from my green neighbor (actually she was black, wahahaha...), Lori. The end result was SO beautiful and rewarding that I wondered why I had never done that before. Oh yeah....DIRT.

Everytime I pulled into my driveway and saw the colorful flowers that *I* had planted myself, I immediately felt my spirit lift. Flowers, I learned, are a mood enhancer. Planting them yourself and watching the rewards of your labor, even more so.

If ever I have needed something to help keep my spirit lifted, it's now. So, starting with my Mother's Day bounty of flowers, I got busy and began planting. Then I decided, Why not try a vegetable garden? Half the fun is seeing something go from a tiny bulb or stem to a blooming flower.
So last week I spent way too much money on some gardening utinsils, seeds, soil, and GLOVES, and got busy planting some veggies in Mom's garden. Yeah, I know. But I'm tired of waiting for my own house, my own land, my own garden. Ugh....pity party coming on!
For now I have just 5 veggie plants in the ground, but the next free evening I get, I will be planting a lot more at Beth's house :) She doesn't have kids or dogs to constantly run out of the garden, plus she has really good soil. Don't I sound like I know what I'm talking about? Like a real gardner?!?

Anyway, here are some pics of what I have now. I'm going to keep you informed as they grow. Maybe it will lift your spirit too or, even better, inspire you to start one of your own. Enjoy!

Remember my lily from Easter? Planted in mom's little flower garden, aka my "Happy Place."

Jessica got a Gerber Daisy, one of my all time fave flowers, on Mother's Day as well, so I planted hers for her (really, so I could take pictures of it anytime I wanted)

And this is how it all looked last week, May 21st, before all the rain hit...

Beautiful, right?

Then it rained. And rained. Rained again. Oh, and rained some more. If it weren't for all the rainbows, I'd think God had forgotten a little promise He'd made a long, long time ago!
Now, I planted some squash right HERE. I know because I put this cute little stake thingy in the ground right next to it so I'd remember that. But there is no squash plant to be found. I think it is there, but buried good. We're going to wait and see :)

I do not like tomatoes, except stewed in vegetable soup, but I seem to be the exception in our family. So, I planted tomatoes. Plus, I hear they're pretty easy to grow and we know how I am all for easy!
No comment, Beth or Louise!
And this next little stub was a veggie of some sort, but I can't remember because it didn't have a stake thingy and I didn't use my brain and make one. So not only it is doubtful that it will even grow, but if it does, I won't know what it is till it sprouts something yummy to eat!

Yeah, same deal again. You'd think I would have came up with a way to know what all of these were, but I only bought 5 plants, 3 of which had stakes, so I thought, how hard can it be to keep track of two without stakes? Apparently, pretty hard. No idea what this one is. If one of you recognizes it, please let me know! But he's green & pretty, right?
*Update: Yes, peppers DO ring a bell, Anonymous...thank you very much...Michelle? Jacklynn?

The rain knocked most of my lily's petals off, till I'm down to one little droopy flower :( I *think* you are supposed to cut the spent flowers, which I did, to encourage new growth. Hmm...sounds like a life lesson in there somewhere ;)

Jessica's gerbers were droopy and needed cut as well, so I did. I do know that they tend to come back real easy after a cut back, but I don't think they bloom much through the summer. Mostly a spring flower, which is a shame. Their many colors are almost decadent ;)

Now, since I started this post, my boys have tried 28,139 different ways to send me over the edge, so I think I'll go lay down in my garden and try to suck in some of that mood enhancer I was just raving about. That or plant one of them in my garden ;)
PS: my sister Louise did all of the shoveling for me when I planted these, so to her I say, "Louise, I am not worthy to breathe the air you exhale."


  1. Pretty sure "I" did the hard work. And got dirty with the first 2 flowers before you decided to even get near the dirt, and I didn't even get an honerable mention. Hmmmm, see if I help you again.

  2. Your 2nd "unknown" veggie looks like a pepper? Does that ring a bell? LOL Love your blog girl, I need to do some serious updating on mine.
